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Councilman Johnson's Departure

Visionaires' Counsel:   Journalist Vera White's column last Friday 
pointed to a very significant issue in our city government, viz., 
replacing Councilman Johnson by mayoral appointment. The last time this 
issue arose, Mayor Comstock appointed a prominent businessman, Mr. Busch, 
to a vacany. Vera White comments that it would be political  wisdom, in 
terms of the outcome of the recent Nov. 2 elections, if the mayor were to 
be gu;ided by a substantial number of votes (approx. 1200) who voted for 
candidates sharing common ground in regard to city development and fiscal 
management, as compared to both sitting candidates and two new electees, 
both of whom are prominent 'establishment' type persons. Perhaps the 
question is, "Who can best represent ALL the citizens?"  The runner up, 
Mr. Ament, came in a faiily close fourth. Mr. Holmese tallied over 400 
votes. Why should not the mayor heed that  messaage from the voters and 
choose Aaron Ament?  Why did Johnson wait till after the election?
    I intend to support Vera White's position and indicate this to Mayor 
Comstock. Perhaps others would like to express their opinion on the 
matter and let the mayor know.  This action is not one of partisanship or 
endorsement, but rather an appeal for more representativeness on City 
Council, based on voter sentiment.  Ken M.

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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