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Re: Why Capitalists Want ... less government?

> many foolish proposals have been funded.
You have to be much more specific than that, for me. Give a list of them 
and an evalutation formula, integrating cost-benefits, etc. Ideological 
jabs are just cheap shots, otherwise. As for the New Deal, we all 
benefitted from the CCC public works programs, which kept a lot of 
unemployed men off the streets and away from violent tendencies (Gen. 
MacArthur's troops stopped the march on Washington), whose roots probably 
stemmed back from the reckless greed of stock market speculators in the 
twenties, no? I'm pointing only to ONE of these, among many more, which 
saved the country from steady decline. Pres. Hoover's recovery program 
foreshadowed much of the New Deal -- check out the record. But his 
popularity and complete lack of political charisma failed him and his 
deely split party after l930. Maybe you read different history books, I 
just don't know. If I-695 is a rational response to over-taxation, then 
we have to look to philanthropy to solve most of our local needs for 
resoruces. Pullman is already reeling from its effects. Maybe cmpaign 
reform and the pork-barrel lobbyists are factors in the picture, too!  
Take a look. 

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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