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BOCC Proceedings for the week of 11-08-99

Week of November 8, 1999

Commissioners Loreca J. Stauber, Samuel G. Duncan and Paul J. Kimmell met in
regular session.  The following actions were taken:

Motion and Order designating Rural Development Coordinator as “at will” and
FLSA exempt, and Amending the Personnel Policy Manual to add the Rural
Development Coordinator position as Appendix A and Appendix B, retroactive
to date of hire.

Convened in Executive Session at  11:28 A.M. on November 8, 1999 to discuss
personnel matters pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(a)&(b).
Adjourned at 12:03 P.M.

Approved, signed, filed Commissioners’ proceedings for the week of November
1, 1999.

Approved, signed, filed renewal of Retail Alcohol Beverage License, Rosauer’
s Supermarkets, Inc. dba Rosauer’s Food & Drug Center #9, 411 N. Main,
Moscow, for year 2000.

Approved, signed, filed renewal of Retail Alcohol Beverage License, Yam Yuon
Huie dba New Hong Kong Cafe, 214 S. Main,  Moscow, for year 2000.

Approved, signed, filed renewal of Retail Alcohol Beverage License, Fearless
Farris Service Stations, Inc. dba Stinker Handi Mart #38, 1044 Pullman Road,
Moscow, for year 2000.

Approved, signed, filed renewal of Retail Alcohol Beverage License, Sally
Rae Shierman dba Slurp & Burp Tavern, 3006 Robinson Park Road,  Moscow, for
year 2000.

Deny Protest of Valuation from Richard J. McDonald, RP81260017001AA, as
property is not a part of the Subsequent Roll.

Approved, signed, filed 1999 tax cancellation request, SC0001, carried old
classification as a State Contract.  Law has changed.

Approved, signed, filed 1999 tax cancellation request, RP41N05W351225,
duplication by office error.

Approved, signed, filed 1998 tax cancellation request, credited to 1999,
RPM0770008001A, homeowner exemption amount was calculated incorrectly, has
since been corrected.

Approved, signed, filed 1999 tax cancellation request, RP39N05W066640, U of
I is exempt the year property is acquired.

Approved, signed, filed request to hire Douglas W. Whitney as Part-time
Irregular Deputy Prosecutor I. Table of Organization, Prosecutor’s Office,
Department 07, Line 13.  Effective November 1, 1999.

Approved, signed, filed request to authorize courthouse key for Doug
Whitney, Prosecutor’s Office.

Approved, signed, filed request to hire Gary Young as Part-time Irregular
Communications Specialist.  Table of Organization, Sheriff’s Office,
Department 04D, Line 09.  Effective 10/26/99.

Approved, signed, filed request to hire Eileen Waite as Temporary Part-time
Irregular Special Hire.  Table of Organization, BOCC Administration,
Department 05A, Line 10.

Approved, signed, filed request to transfer Timothy E. Drumm, Park
Maintenance Worker, from Temporary to Part-time Irregular.  Table of
Organization, Parks and Recreation, Department 05G, Line 02.

Signed and filed resignation of Leora L. Frei as Deputy Treasurer.  Table of
Organization, Treasurer’s Office, Department 03, Line 04.  Effective
November 12, 1999.

Approved, signed, filed two-year increment increase for Betty Harris as
Clerk.  Table of  Organization, Assessor’s Office.  Department 02A, Line 11.
Effective November 1, 1999.

Filed Public Defender hours for the month of  October, 1999, as submitted by
Brian D. Thie.

Filed Public Defender hours for the month of October, 1999, as submitted by
Gregory C. Dickison.

Filed Conflict Public Defender hours for the month of October, 1999, as
submitted by D. Ray Barker.

Approved, signed, filed Building Permit fee waiver for J. Klemm home site,
included in county’s Genesee Housing Elevation Grant Project.

Signed and filed Notice of Loss Ledger for July 1, 1999 through September
30, 1999.

Filed Notice of Hearing before Idaho Board of Tax Appeals, Demetrius J. and
Toni J. Koubourlis.

Filed Notice of Hearing before Idaho Board of Tax Appeals, Palouse Hills
Adventist School.

Approved, signed, filed request  to appoint Rick Morrison to Latah County
Snowmobile Advisory Committee.

Approved, signed, filed request to reappoint Larry McMillan, Kenneth White,
Martha Lindahl, Curt McLam, Keith Becker, Vernon Gregg to the Latah County
Snowmobile Advisory Committee.

Approved, signed, filed request to reappoint Ben Jenness, Kent Wellner as
Ex-Officio Members to the Latah County Snowmobile Advisory Committee.

Approved, signed, filed request to set up and establish new
budget/department: Rural Development 01-22, transfer previously designated
funds to new lines, and adjust the Table of Organization to reflect the

Approved, signed, filed Resolution #99-22 Reserving county funds for Fiscal
Year 1999-2000 for completing the Troy HUD Recovery Grant, in progress.

Approved, signed, filed Resolution #99-23 Reserving county funds for Fiscal
Year 1999-2000 for completing Genesee Housing Elevation Grant, in progress.

Motion and Order, approving pay for the removal of hazardous trees at
Robinson Park, not to exceed eight hours at not more than $15.00 an hour.

Approved, signed, filed Mission Statement, Action Plan for the Office of
Rural Development, to be used as a baseline reference for evaluation.

After having held a Public Hearing on November 8, 1999 pursuant to Idaho
Code 67-654 and 67-6514, Motion and Order to adjust the 1999-2000 budget as
follows: establish the U.S. Forest Service Rural Grant Fund 71-00 in the
amount of $5,000; and to increase the Justice - Court Clerk Fund line
08-03-402-00 in the amount of $9,025.   These funds are unscheduled revenues
or carry forward funds and the expenditure of these funds will be no
additional cost to the taxpayers of Latah County.  The Board directs the
County Auditor to make the necessary adjustments.

Approved, signed, filed Resolution #99-20 transferring cash balance from
“District Court - 06-00” to “Justice - 08-30”.

Denied application for Hardship, PPC268A.  Does not meet approval criteria.

Convened in Executive Session at  4:06 P.M. on November 8, 1999 to discuss
personnel matters pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(a)&(b).
Adjourned at 4:24 P.M.

Convened in Executive Session at  4:46 P.M. on November 8, 1999 to discuss
personnel matters pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(a)&(b).
Adjourned at 5:19 P.M.

A Public Hearing was held on November 8, 1999 for the purpose of accepting
testimony on the proposed implementation of a volume based billing program
beginning January 1, 2000.    Hearing recessed at 8:00 P.M.  The board took
the comments under advisement and set deliberations and decision November
10, 1999 at 3:45 P.M.  Minutes and tape on file.

Approved, signed, filed Solid Waste Fee Exemption MH 24CT00421A, November
and December 1999 and 2000 or till sold. Home vacant and for sale.

Approved, signed, filed Solid Waste Fee Refund RP39N05W136605A, July through
December 1999. Home vacant and for sale.

Convened in Executive Session at 10:12 A.M. on November 10, 1999, to discuss
indigent matters, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1) (d). Adjourned
at 10:40 A.M.  Seven cases approved, two cases denied.

Motion and Order, after having held a public hearing , adopt the following
solid waste fee schedule for fiscal year 2000.  (Monthly Cost) 1 can per
week: $13.82 Based Rate. 2 cans per week: $14.82 Based Rate. 3 cans per
week: $15.82 Base Rate. 4 cans per week: $16.32. 5 cans per week: $16.82
Based Rate. 30-36 gallon can less that 60 pounds: Plus tag price for each
set out exceeding.  The base rate will be two cans unless a different level
of service is elected.  And to allow Tags for extra cans at $1.00 each
(Three complimentary tags will be sent to each household.) and establish a
$5.00 penalty for not tagging cans above the elected service billing level,
effective January 1, 2000.  Commissioners Stauber and Duncan voting for,
Commissioner Kimmell against.

Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature on the Law Enforcement
Protection Contract between Latah County and City of Potlatch.

Signed and filed affirmation of the Zoning Commission’s decision to deny
request by the Latah County Sheriff’s Office for Conditional Use Permit #587
to construct and operate a law enforcement firearms training facility.

Motion and Order to approve Chair’s signature on the Census 2000 new
construction program participation by Latah County.

Filed Personnel Change Request Form, termination of David Aichele as
Information Services Director, effective November 8, 1999.

Approved, signed, filed  request for off-premises telephone extensions for
Parks and Recreation and Fair Grounds.

Convened in Executive Session at  4:07 P.M. on November 10, 1999 to discuss
personnel matters pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(a)&(b).
Adjourned at 4:16 P.M.


By:  Rachel Rausch
Deputy Clerk of the Board of Latah County Commissioners

APPROVED:						, Chair

ATTEST:							, Deputy/Clerk

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