Re: Emergency Preparedness
At 05:19 PM 11/11/99 -0800, you wrote:
>I was more than a little surprised to see this part of
>Gary O'Keefe's reply to an earlier inquiry.
>Anyone else out there find this a matter of concern?
>(i.e. no emergency power, food or supplies at any
>Latah shelters except one...)
This does not surprise me at all. (Actually I am amazed that one has
supplies.) This country has no civil defense program. True, there is FEMA
and other such agencies, but they are totally reactive. We are one of the
few countries of size and wealth that doesn't have a civil defense program.
And if anyone were to want to start one, people would be calling them
alarmists and get irate for the waste of money and resources. If you want
to be sure of supplies, you better save them yourself. I wouldn't count on
the government (local or federal) to be much help because they will already
be unpreapared or overwhelmed.
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