Civic Journalism talk Nov. 9
- To:
- Subject: Civic Journalism talk Nov. 9
- From: Kenton Bird <>
- Date: Sat, 06 Nov 1999 12:39:05 -0800
- Resent-Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 12:39:53 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"e0G00.A.r-F.7HJJ4">
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Chris Peck, editor of the Spokesman-Review of Spokane, will speak
Tuesday, Nov. 9, at the University of Idaho about ways that newspapers
can become more deeply involved in public life.
Peck, a national leader in the civic journalism movement, will address
"Civic Journalism: The Savior of U.S. Newspapers in the 20th Century?"
at 7:30 p.m. in the College of Law Courtroom.
Civic journalism, sometimes called public journalism, is a philosophy
that newspapers should help citizens become more involved in their
communities. Under Peck's leadership, The Spokesman-Review has
sponsored a series of pizza parties to discuss community problems. The
paper also opened its editorial pages to readers, turning its editorial
writers into "interactive editors."
Two years ago, the Spokesman-Review collaborated with the Lewiston
Morning Tribune and several other Idaho papers, a Boise television
station, and the Idaho Public Broadcasting system on a study of higher
education and prison funding in the state. That partnership won a
national award from the Pew Center for Civic Journalism.
This will be an opportunity to hear the inside story about civic
journalism from one of its leading practitioners. Chris's talk will
deal with the social and political dimensions of the Spokane newspaper's
community involvement. His comments will be especially relevant to the
recent discussion on this list about voter turnout in this week's city
I invite all Vision 2020 subscribers to hear Chris speak. Please
contact me if you'd like more information about this topic but are
unable to attend Tuesday.
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