Re: Another Tragedy on Highway 95
- To:
- Subject: Re: Another Tragedy on Highway 95
- From: "david sarff" <>
- Date: Sat, 06 Nov 1999 19:27:19 GMT
- Cc:
- Resent-Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 11:28:44 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"KaNSnC.A.g1B.HFIJ4">
- Resent-Sender:
It seems to me that alot more energy goes into expediting and directing
traffic on a large scale than goes into keeping track of the actual quality
of any given zone.
There are also complications with what was zoned as OK for past things built
and what is zoned OK at present.
The questions we raise today can affect whats OK tommorow.
Safety records are public info and are free to obtain if a person is willing
to ask for them. The trick sometimes is just knowing what question/s to ask
and who to ask.
Most people don't have time or just give up in frustration. Because if you
don't know what to ask...they won't offer it.
I keep in the back of my mind that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
With that very simple concept it is perhaps easier to see why things evolve
the way they do.
Traffic flow is an every day thing[squeak squeak all the time]. Safety and
quality issues only come to the front once in a while[squeak...nothing]
I for one would like to see safety be on the front burner at all times and
expedition of traffic second.
Most officials I talk to say that is the case but I personally feel that
actions are speaking louder than words and words are mostly all we get.
Finally I will point out again that what we have in my opinion is a Chain Of
command problem.[Leadership]
I say this because every time I have ever looked into an issue involving
public services[IE the government].I find that for the most part you get the
run around and lots of buck passing.[in a freandly way]
A big problem with that is WE are the Government and only a very few of us
are interested enough to pull the rope.Thats why the[squeakiest] special
interest groups are pulling us all over the place.
What is the answer to make all that we share work in better harmony.
Perhaps if each of us would be willing to take more.....
Personal Responsibility in our actions....That would be a good start.
Keep after it.
David Sarff
>From: Judi Thompson <>
>To: Dan Schmidt <>
>CC: david sarff <>,
>Subject: Re: Another Tragedy on Highway 95
>Date: Sat, 06 Nov 1999 08:53:59 -0800
>I wonder a bit about the speed limits on some of Moscow's streets. Your
>answer from the city engineer is interesting. Why is Mabelle/Spotwood
>at 30 mph and a street like Perimeter Drive at 25 mph?
>All the residents on Mabelle signed a petition and sent if off to city
>hall over a year ago. We felt it was a safety issue with the many
>houses, lack of sidewalks and lighting in certain areas that 25 would be
>safer. We were told something about needing arterioles for funding.
>Yet Perimeter is wider with sidewalks on both sides in several places.
>Tradegies happen for reason beyond human comprehension but we can as
>human's try to avoid "setting up" such situations. Following posted
>speed limits is just one.
>Does someone out here in cyberspace have an answer?
>Judi Thompson
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