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Re: Latah County Board Of County Commissioners Agenda for 11-01-1999

Community Guardian:
I never have been appointed a community guardian, but I do recall that a 
friend of mine did serve in that capacity.
My recollection: a community guardian is appointed by the county to serve as 
a representative for persons who due to mental capacity, illness or accident 
are unable to represent themselves in terms of residence or medical decision 
or something similar.
I would appreciate a message from someone more familiar with the program to 
make sure this is correct....

>From: "JS M" <>
>Subject: Re: Latah County Board Of County Commissioners Agenda for 
>Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 15:56:45 PDT
>Mr. London:
>What's a Community Guardian?  There's an agenda item for appointment of
>Latah County Community Guardians.
>>Subject: Latah County Board Of County Commissioners Agenda for 11-01-1999
>>Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 14:19:28 -0700
>><< 11-01-99.agn.doc >>
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