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Apologies!It was Just the lemming Factor

The lemming factor
Folks it has become apparent that my bilge pump quit and this soal was 
starting to sink into verbal obscurity.
This wrench turner knows when to redo something or start over…..a life 
preserver could come in handy too.
It's just that when I peacefully went up the hill to look over the land…Well 
heck…. It was plain that we are .......................
About to get rail roaded …..[Of coarse that's been the way of the west for 
the last 140 odd years].
I got all wiggly inside and started to go……well… Frenzy like and took off 
….before you know it I found myself 30 miles out and my coat of reverence 
was soaked and heavy. [It wasn't ocean water]
On the swim down the creek I slogged by the Wa Mart and mercantile  
…..Glimst this dude [out of the corner of my wet eye]sittin in a rocker on 
the store front takin in the fresh clean air. [As is often present on that 
side of town.]
I heard him shouting at the fella running the soda machine…..Hey Cleatus why 
do you suppose the locals do this every time we set up camp?…..The reply was 
…I don't know Cewter …but they seem to think their unique or some dern 
thing…We'll fix em up proper like and have em workin for us in no 
time..We'll even teach
em our happy song…….Yo.E.Oh……Yo hum. Why don't you git on the phone and see 
if you kin get a load of flyin monkeys in here to give us a hand. We can put 
em up in the new big house on the hill…You know ………That Bates place…they 
have lots of extra room . They'll be able see all the strays and come back 
to report on  Progress.
  Cleatus did you hear some folks came in on the wire? Pointing at us and 
yelling …..The Black Tops Are Coming….The Black Tops Are Coming !
Cewter you better double that order of  Flyin Monkeys.

Yours Truely
David Sarff

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