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RE: Hazardous Waste Disposal in Latah County vs. Whitman County????

Dear Visionaries,
We have household hazard waste day in Moscow once a year because it is
expensive and year round storage is a problem. The one-day event cost $30-40
thousand. With an expansion of the Moscow recycling ctr in the future, year
round household hazardous waste collection will be possible and likely.

Steve Cooke
member of the Moscow Health and Environment Comm.
(my term is up in Dec. any volunteer? apply by writing to Mayor Marshall

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Dennis []
Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 2:01 PM
To: Carol M. Stiff
Subject: Re: Hazardous Waste Disposal in Latah County vs. Whitman County????

On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, Carol M. Stiff wrote:
> ...
> How come Whitman County has these daily facilities while we only have
> it once a year?  Does that not tend to encourage people to improperly
> disposed of hazards and pollute our environment?  Seems to me if
> Washington can handle this properly, so can Idaho.

In Idaho, encouraging the safe disposal of hazardous waste is considered
unwarranted guv'ment intrusion...

Brian Dennis

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