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In response to Tom Trails Re-Paved Paradise.
One of my Grandfathers favorite stunts was to follow a friend/s along a whoever was in front got skunked out He would then fish 
that spot and quite often pull one or more out.
His name was Clarence Jenks and I suspect he was once pretty well known in 
this part of the country.
In his spirit And others lets see what I can pull out of this.

First....A big enough fish:
At what point will the couplet [which is about to go through one of my old 
shops] in town stop being able to handle the new four lane traffic?
What side of town would likly get a by pass .The East or the West?
If it is to go East........... through a residential section. Then 
functionally Paradise ridge is the the option to take.
If it goes to the West say near Walmart then construction east of US 95 is 
in my opinion a waste of time.
Is a four lane road going to come from the north...Spokane to Lewiston via 
Did some body say Growth?

And Now .....a bigger fish:
Clarence grew up on the North Fork of the Clearwater river. Now a dam
has the valley flooded ....because of..... GROWTH.
Why did he take me there before it was flooded. To share the NATURE of the 
On the single wages of a printer He owned a home in town and he and his 
family built a cabin at the mouth of the St Joe river on the banks of Coeur 
d'alene lake to share the NATURE of the place.
I haven't caught a fish off the dock at the cabin in years.... and the 
yearly property taxes are some place near the purchase price of the 
I practically want to cry at the level of conspicuous consumption up there.
It would seem that the more you ruin a place the more economic value it has.
  Why is 95 so dangerous....GROWTH.
  And we're going to build a bigger road to handle more....GROWTH
Using safety as a primary reason to move the road distracts from the real 
reason.....To support a money pump that runs off the backs of people who 
can't or don't take the time to .....

        Fish differently

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