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A-door-able Feast

>The Moscow Food Co-op is sponsoring a fundraising feast to raise the money
>to add a power-assisted door to the new store at 221 East Third at Moscow.
>	The banquet, entitled the A-door-able Feast, is scheduled for Thursday,
>November 11, at 6pm, at the Current Events Banquet Hall, at 111 North
>Washington Street in Moscow.
>The new door will open with push-button ease and is designed to allow easy
>access to the store for shoppers with mobility handicaps, parents with
>strollers, or anyone who finds it difficult to open the present doors.
>The A-door-able Feast will include live music by Cariol Consort,
>opportunities to purchase local artwork and certificates for local services
>at a silent auction, glasses of organic wine, and a full dinner with 10
>unique lasagnas, salad, bread, and dessert.
>Tickets to the feast must be purchased in advance, explained General 
>Manager Kenna Eaton.  Tickets
>cost $30 each and are available from any Co-op cashier.  No tickets will be
>sold at the door.  Only a limited number of tickets are available.
>"Last year, we sponsored a feast to raise money for our move to our present
>location," Eaton said.  "The feast was so much fun, and so successful--we
>raised $2300 that night--that we decided to repeat it this year."
>"Last year, we sold out a week before the event.  Lots of people who wanted
>to go could not get a ticket.  This year, we advise folks who want to go to
>the feast to get their tickets early."

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