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City Council candidate questionaire

>Moscow City Council Questionaire
>As a committee of Moscow Vision 2020, Kenton Bird, Ken Medlin and Bill
>London compiled a series of questions for the candidates for Moscow City
>Council.  We requested a short biographical profile and the answers to the
>following six questions from all 8 candidates.  Seven candidates responded.
>   The responses are presented in the order received.
>Our thanks to First Step Research, and Bill Moore, for making these
>comments available on the Moscow website.
>1. If Whitman County officials request that Moscow extend utilities and
>services across the state line to the eastern end of the Moscow-Pullman
>Corridor, under what conditions--or would you ever--support Moscow
>providing water, sewage, police, and fire protection to residences and
>businesses in the Corridor?
>2. What three specific actions would you support to maintain or increase
>the economic vitality of downtown Moscow?
>3. Moscow is a member and funder of the regional Economic Development
>Council (EDC).  What specific goals should the EDC pursue in the next five
>4. Earlier this year the Moscow City Council narrowly approved the
>annexation of 51 acres north of Morton Street for residential and
>commercial development.  If a similar proposal were to come before the
>council during your term, what information would you require and what
>conditions would you place on the development before your vote?
>5. What aspects of Moscow's quality of life do you most enjoy?  How would
>you enhance and protect those qualities?
>6. Do you think that the depletion of our aquifer is a problem that needs
>to be addressed now--or can we wait 5 or 10 years to confront it?  Moscow
>violates the Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee management plan by excessive
>water usage.  Is it important that Moscow be brought into compliance with
>those water use goals?
>Date of Birth:
>June 23, 1950
>Place of Birth:
>Colfax, Wash.
>Graduate of Colton High School, Received a B.S.M.E. from WSU in Pullman in
>1973, Received an MBA from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana in 
>Family Background:
>Married with three children.  Lesley age 23, Eric age 21, Adam age 17.
>Wife's name is Donna.
>Work Experience:
>1973 to 1977 		Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Muncie, Indiana
>1978 to 1980 		Carrier Air Conditioning Company, Seattle, WA
>1981 to present	Busch Distributors, Inc., Moscow, ID
>General Manger, Busch Dist. Inc.
>President of St. Mary's School Board, President of St. Mary's School
>Foundation, Chair of Moscow Parks and Recreation Commission, Member of
>Mountain View Road Project Committee, Member of Moscow Street Standards
>Committee, President of Moscow Baseball Association, Chair of Moscow Public
>Works Finance Committee, Moscow City Council Member
>Fishing, Camping, Racquet Ball, Skiing, Travel, Woodworking, Gardening
>QUESTION #1: I would support supplying utility service, police and fire
>protection to "West Moscow, Washington" under certain conditions.  The main
>condition would be that West Moscow be included inside Moscow's "area of
>influence" similar to the agreement Moscow has with Latah County.  This
>would allow Moscow to include the region in our comprehensive plan and
>control how it is developed.  Another condition would be that the City of
>Moscow be allowed to collect taxes/fees in the West Moscow vicinity.  This
>revenue would be used to pay for services provided to the area..
>QUESTION #2: a)  Provide the infrastructure and resources to keep downtown
>looking clean and tidy.  i.e. Keep the streets repaired and clean.  Place
>trash cans in appropriate areas and empty on a regular basis.  Maintain
>landscaping.  Provide adequate parking as space permits and enforce parking
>time limits.
>	b)  Support events and places that draw people to the downtown area.  i.e.
>The farmers market, Rendezvous in the Park, Mardi Gras, the Prichard Art
>	c)  Keep city offices in the downtown area.
>Long term, something has to be done about parking and access to the
>downtown area.  Some combination of remote parking and public
>transportation to the downtown area might be a solution.  A "Trolley Bus"
>transportation system connecting both malls and the downtown area might be
>another idea worth considering.  A downtown parking structure cannot be
>QUESTION #3: I think the development of the south couplet highway project
>presents the opportunity to unite downtown Moscow with the Sweet Avenue
>entrance to the University of Idaho. I'd like to see the EDC put an effort
>into this particular area of town.   Working to retain companies that
>graduate from the Business Incubator should also be a priority of the EDC.
>I do support the EDC and the fundamental goal of promoting the economic
>vitality of the area.
>QUESTION #4: It is very difficult to answer a question about a hypothetical
>development.  Each one is unique.  In general, if I felt a development met
>the requirements of our zoning code and comprehensive plan, I would not
>oppose the project.  I might ask that certain improvements be made to
>improve traffic flow to minimize the impact on the existing neighborhood.
>The process used by the City of Moscow to approve a new subdivision
>provides a forum to discuss the legitimate concerns of all parties.  The
>system does not automatically make everyone happy but it is logical and in
>the end it works.
>QUESTION #5: The Moscow community offers a very nice blend of activities.
>We have outdoor activities, sporting events, cultural events, civic
>projects and a myriad of others things that add up to a very special place
>to live.  The University of Idaho brings a wonderful diversity of people
>and activities to our community.  Our city is not crowded and we enjoy open
>spaces.  Crime is under control and we feel safe.  As a city council member
>I will do my part to make sure the budget does not get out of control and
>at the same time support the things that make Moscow great.
>QUESTION #6: The possible depletion of our aquifer is certainly something
>to be concerned about.  Without an adequate water supply, progress stops.
>At present, we need more information about our deep aquifer.  All six
>members of the Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee (PBAC) have committed to a
>significant increase in funding for the next three years.  This increased
>funding will be used to do more research and hopefully give us a better
>understanding of our situation.  In the mean time, it always pays to be
>efficient in the use of our precious natural resources.
>	Members of the PBAC have set a target growth rate for water usage of 1%
>per year.  In my opinion, the details of this growth rate target are not
>clearly understood.  For instance, Moscow pumps a significant percentage of
>its water from the shallow "Wannapum" aquifer.  This aquifer is known to
>recharge itself.  Was it the intention of the PBAC to have the shallow
>recharging aquifer included in the 1%?   There are other clarifications
>that need to be made.  Recent tests of meters used on Moscow's large
>pumping stations have shown the meters to be out of calibration by a
>significant degree.  If adjustments for the meter errors are made, you can
>make a case that Moscow has met the 1% growth recommendation.  As a member
>of the City Council, I will be meeting with the PBAC to discuss this very
>subject.  I was the council liaison to the PBAC in 1998.
>My name is Aaron Ament.  For twelve years I have lived in Moscow with my
>wife Cindy.  Marriage brought three wonderful children: Mollie(21),
>Abram(18) and Saeb(16).  I am the great-grandson of Latah County pioneers.
>I have lived in Latah County for most of the last 33
>years.  I served as Idaho Youth Governor in 1968, the same year I graduated
>from Genesee High School.  While attending the University of Idaho, I
>helped write the Student Bill of Rights.  I lived in Genesee in the 70's
>and 80's, working as a carpenter and devoting time to the care of my
>Life in Moscow has rekindled my interest in public service.  When my boys
>joined Scouts, I volunteered to help and was an active member of Troop
>345's Adult Committee.  Later I became involved with the fight to save and
>reuse the 1912 MHS, which led to mayoral appointment to two committees.
>Desire for a stronger commitment from our city to our youth led to my
>appointment to the Task Force on Youth Recreation and to my work on the
>skateboard  park. I presently serve as First Vice-President of the Latah
>County Historical Society.
>Question #1: Development will come to the corridor.  The best we can hope
>for is development we can live with.  If we, the City of Moscow, are asked
>to extend services into Whitman County we can have a voice in the direction
>corridor development will take.
>1. Development on the south side of the corridor should not be allowed to
>interfere with the Chipman Trail, (access from the highway to any
>development on the south side should be via bridges).  If possible, this
>should mean no development along the creek. We could trade the option of
>more development on the north side to minimize impact to the south.
>2. The type of development and landscaping in the corridor need to have a
>low impact on our water supply.
>3. Any agreement entered into by the City of Moscow and Whitman County must
>contain a clause that shuts off services if there are any changes in codes,
>zoning or regulations regarding the corridor.
>Question #2: We have a great downtown.
>1. The first word I hear when talking to downtown business owners is
>PARKING.  The city should set aside parking for downtown employees on the
>periphery of downtown.  Parking between Jackson St. and Washington St.
>needs to be available to patrons.  If we are to keep our downtown viable,
>providing parking must be a City Council priority.
>2. Provide landlords with tax breaks tied to money spent on maintenance of
>their buildings.  Provide equal but unconditional tax breaks to those who
>own the building housing their business.
>3. Prevent business sprawl.  Keep business concentrated in areas already
>dedicated to business.  This will not only help downtown, it will encourage
>shoppers to use their feet rather than their vehicles.
>4. Listen to our downtown merchants.
>Question #3: The EDC should query area businesses to find out if their
>specific needs are being met, and to identify support or compatible
>enterprises.  Use the information gathered to ensure that the needs of our
>current employers are met.  Encourage relocation of new, compatible
>businesses.  The EDC should work with the University of Idaho, Lewis-Clark
>State College and Moscow High School to promote the availability of a
>trained labor force.
>Question #4:  Required information:
>1. community need for the proposed development
>2. effect on existing neighborhoods
>3. impact on city services
>4. development in line with goals of the Moscow Comprehensive Plan
>1. compatible with the surrounding area
>2. minimal negative impact on existing neighborhoods
>3. route traffic into new developments from existing arterials and not
>through residential areas
>4. no strip malls at city entrances
>5. fees in lieu of parks or open space in new developments are unacceptable
>Question #5: Moscow is a great place to live.  Citizens are involved with
>the business of our city.  We sit on a task force, decide what kind of pool
>we will have, financially support a skateboard park, buy a building and set
>out to raise money to turn it into a community center.
>This is a small city yet we enjoy music (everything from jazz to country),
>theater, museums, art galleries and the Renaissance Fair.
>Thanks to our university, we are a culturally diverse community.  A great
>variety of lectures are available along with a wide range of sporting 
>Personally, I most enjoy the visual comfort provided by the  surrounding
>hills and spending time with a good novel, but when I'm ready to step out
>on the town I appreciate the multitude of activities available.    As an
>individual I will continue to support and participate in the activities I
>enjoy.  As an elected official I will encourage my fellow citizens to do 
>Question #6: The depletion of our aquifer is definitely a problem that
>needs to be addressed now.  We must bring Moscow into compliance with
>voluntary water use limits. The city can follow the University of Idaho's
>lead in using recycled water to irrigate our community green spaces.  We
>can offer incentives to encourage homeowners to replace their lawns with
>water-friendly landscaping.  Citizens can be encouraged to use a broom, not
>water, to clean their sidewalks and driveways.  We can find a way to
>minimize the waste caused by hydrant flushing.  We can and must take
>voluntary actions now to conserve water before a shortage forces us to take
>drastic actions.
>My name is Jack Hill.  I was born in Bakersfield, California, in 1943.  I
>grew up with four brothers in Whittier.  I graduated from the University of
>the Pacific (1965), and began a career in teaching.  I taught for the San
>Diego Unified School District for eleven years.  I received my M.A. (1972)
>and Ph.D. (1977) at United States International University.  My career
>spanned 34 years in education, as a teacher and administrator (principal
>and superintendent).  I was superintendent of the Moscow School District
>from 1993 to 1998.
>         I am now adjunct faculty to the College of Education at the
>University of Idaho.  Currently, I am on the Board of the Moscow-Latah
>Economic Development Council, Chamber of Commerce and Friends of the Moscow
>Library.  I serve as chair of the Moscow-Latah County Workforce Development
>Task Force.
>	My wife and I enjoy living in Moscow with our two adopted greyhounds and
>cockatiel.  I would like to serve on the Moscow City Council and contribute
>to our community's future.
>Question 1: Currently we already extend, through agreement, supporting
>services of fire and police to Whitman County.  The Attorney General of
>Idaho has stated that it is legal to extend water and sewer services across
>state lines.  I suspect there could be some inter-governmental agreement
>that would fairly compensate Moscow, but I see little value in it presently
>for our community.
>Question 2: In order to maintain or increase the economic vitality of
>downtown Moscow, I would support more arts and events downtown.  As the
>"Heart of the Arts," we need to pump more events downtown.  Mary Blyth has
>some great ideas for such activities.  I would like to see the Kenworthy
>turned into a community theater.  We also need to continue to improve the
>6th Street corridor, and develop a downtown beautification plan.  Grants
>are available.  Finally, address the problem of large truck traffic through
>downtown and improve parking.  I support the use of fine money for more
>parking lot development.
>Question 3: I currently sit on the Board of the Moscow-Latah County
>Economic Development Council (EDC).  We are presently in the process of
>redefining our relationship with the University of Idaho, City of Moscow,
>Latah County, and our business partners.  The EDC will work with our
>partners in the following strategic areas:  (a) Workforce Development --
>Assist business in developing and delivering cost effective, high quality
>training for its workforce. (I am the chair of the task force working on
>this);  (b)  Economic Diversification -- Encourage development of
>businesses and industries that does not require intense use of natural
>resources, is environmentally friendly, utilizes intellectual property,
>pays living wages, and does not have a large impact on social
>infrastructures;  (c)  Arts, Culture and Events -- Work to link compelling
>themes (arts, science, youth, and economic development) by establishing an
>arts and events council.  Begin work on an arts plan for greater Moscow;
>(d) Business Development -- Work with the Idaho Research Foundation for
>more effective technology transfer.  Continue to support the Incubator and
>Alturas Phase II development.  Work with the city and county to investigate
>the possibilities of urban renewal cooperative projects.
>Question 4: I am a proponent of smart growth.  As I have said during my
>campaign, managed growth should match local values.  Many kinds of growth
>cost more than the benefits they bring.
>As a city councilman, I would need to carefully assess the proposals coming
>before us.  The existing rules and laws for development need to be followed
>without favoritism and with consistency.  I would want input from
>neighbors, city staff, developers and the Planning and Zoning Committee.  I
>would have to be sure a development of the size stated in your question
>made sense for the existing tax base.  It must have access to a major
>arterial and more than one public access. Traffic patterns must assure
>trucks are not going through residential areas.  There needs to be
>well-thought out transitions from motor business to residential areas.
>         We must remember, new development requires water, police and fire
>protection, schools, sewage treatment, garbage pickup, road maintenance,
>etc.  The new money development brings seldom covers the new costs.  I
>believe a fairly steady rate of growth at 1-2% per year would be ideal for
>Moscow.  Growth and change will happen.  In fact, we need it to stay vital
>as a community.  It must be thoughtful.  If elected to the City Council, I
>will do my best to manage growth that supports local values.  I would work
>cooperatively with the County Commissioners to establish a more defined
>plan for the area of impact.  We need to ensure all parts of our community
>have an opportunity to take part in visualizing and planning for our
>community's future.
>Question 5: I like the friendly people and the small town feeling of
>Moscow.  I like the intellectual stimulation two land grant universities
>provide.  I like the community atmosphere provided by our downtown and
>special events (almost too numerous to mention).
>         I would like to preserve what we have and work to enhance the 
>parks and open spaces.  I would like to work on downtown vitality, a
>community center, increased recreational opportunities, improved
>transportation, and expanded senior citizen programs.  Quality of life
>means different things to different people.  What might be considered a
>quality of life issue in Portland, may be different form our point of view.
>As a community, we need to have continued and planned discussions to shape
>our special quality of life.
>Question 6:  Local aquifers and water use are important issues for
>residents of the Palouse.  I have talked to Dale Ralston, hydrologist at
>UI, and Juliet McKenna, Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee, to understand
>better the challenges of water use now and in the future.
>         We do know water levels continue to decline in wells located in 
>deep aquifer.  We do not know yet if we are actually taking more out than
>is coming in.  There is currently a joint UI/WSU study that is being funded
>by Whitman/Latah/Moscow/Pullman and UI/WSU.  These six entities form the
>Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee (PBAC).  They are in the process of
>updating their Groundwater Management Plan.  According to Juliet McKenna,
>each member entity of PBAC will need to reevaluate how they will meet their
>water use limits, the costs associated with the various options, and how
>these decisions will affect future growth and development.
>         The City of Moscow has just released a report of its water use.  
>will be discussed at the PBAC meeting on October 21st.  Although there is
>no reason to be overly alarmed, there is also no reason to wait.  If
>elected to the Council, I would want us to follow our agreed upon water use
>as outlined in the revised Groundwater Management Plan.  I would also
>support a much more intense educational program aimed at water 
>      My interest in small government processes began over twenty-five 
>ago when I attended a city council meeting as a class assignment. My
>fascination with the culture, heritage, landforms and issues of the western
>lands coincided with my growing belief in the value of stewardship which
>allowed me to fit comfortably within the employment folds of the National
>Park Service. Over the ensuing years the relationships forged with western
>locales and a large benevolent bureaucracy allowed me to gain knowledge and
>insight into hierachial administrative systems, procedural law, the
>political nature of right and wrong, authority and jurisdiction,
>goal-driven management, 12 month budgeting, the difference between rights
>and privileges, the language and intent of obtuse plans, aesthetics treated 
>commodities and the value of retaining the perspective of the constituency
>I was supposedly hired to serve.
>      My wife Nancy and I chose to live in Moscow ten years ago. The town
>provides a happy backdrop for managing two children (Emily and Colin), two
>cats (Mary and Pumpkin), three businesses (Beginning With Music, Homework,
>Interpretive Media Productions), one little job (Moscow School District),
>various short and long term volunteer endeavors (Moscow Food Co-op,
>Christian Science Church, Renaissance Charter School), a couple of rental
>properties and two houses in various states of renovation. You might say
>we've become very attached to the place.
>QUESTION #1: Those of us living east of the state line should reasonably
>expect to have no input concerning the development of the Hwy 8 roadside in
>Whitman County. Many of us, however, would like to raise our hands from the
>back of the room and actually be called on before the bell rings. We have
>clever ideas about scenic easements, covenants, checkerboard development,
>sign design, clustering and access roads.  But why should they call on us?
>Is there any reason?  Maybe one. Maybe we can trade some services for some
>input. Water for setbacks. Sewer for greenspace. Emergency service for low
>profile signs. Without these valuable things we have nothing with which to
>negotiate. If we hastily amputate the leg we have left to stand on, they
>won't be able to see us waving our hands in the back.
>QUESTION #2: Holistic management of our fair city requires ongoing analysis
>of potential consequences for businesses, social organizations,
>agriculture, diverse constituent groups, traditions, environment, U of I,
>"ambiance", education, budget, etc. etc. etc. Interestingly, most of these
>filters for our decision-making process have filaments that connect them to
>the downtown area.
>      Consequently, many actions by city council have implications for
>downtown; therefore there are dozens of things that can be done.
>Highlighting three specific actions may do a disservice to equally viable
>alternatives. In order to prioritize various ideas one must consider
>whether the "downtown" is 1) enjoying a renaissance or, 2) suffering a
>decline or, 3) limping along on momentum, hoping the grim reaper is busy
>with downtowns elsewhere.
>      In case #1 our immediate concerns would be in the areas of parking
>(perhaps to buy property and convert to parking), thematic architectural
>integrity, packaging downtown as part of the UI student experience and
>removing or mitigating the adverse effects of the two state highways
>(especially truck traffic).
>      In case #3 we should first assist the current property owners to
>develop a twenty year plan (perhaps towards managing the entire downtown
>more like a cooperative outdoor mall); pool resources among realtors,
>landowners, business organizations and government agencies to collect and
>maintain a good economic and demographic database to share with potential
>investors and;  insure that easy access is retained for bicyclists,
>pedestrians and motorists.
>       If advanced symptoms of "downtownitis" are diagnosed (this terminal
>illness has stricken thousands of small communities in the United States)
>then we must immediately begin contacting other similar communities to find
>what failures and successes they have experienced in treating this problem.
>It might be possible for the City of Moscow or UI to own/manage some core
>businesses, staff them with volunteers and/or student trainees and use the
>proceeds to fund civic projects.
>      Regardless of our perceptions about the status of downtown, I would
>recommend considering all of these things all of the time; maintenance of
>downtown economic vitality is a job that will never be done.
>QUESTION #3:   And now for something related to the downtown question;
>some ideas for the Economic Development Council:
>1) The agricultural backbone of this region supports the body of our
>western heritage, our local culture and our economic diversity; it must be
>preserved. The council's efforts should promote bioregionalism (e.g.
>value-added wood products, expanding local markets for small producers,
>etc.), niche marketing (e.g. organics, local specialties) and sustainable
>water use plans.
>2)  Construction that rides on the coattails of economic expansion must be
>spread over long periods of time in order to avoid the multiplier effects
>that create miniature boom and bust cycles.
>3)  All current and potential businesses would benefit from an up-to-date
>well managed economic and demographic database. Local and regional.  The
>council should develop/implement/oversee a plan for insuring that
>census2000 statistics and those available from other sources are coalesced
>into one easily accessed repository.
>4) WSU and UI have ambitious enrollment expansion plans and are capable of
>acting independently.  All other local development efforts should dovetail
>with the plans of these two significant economic engines.
>5) Local economic fates are partially tied to the status of and plans for
>various modes of regional transportation. The current and proposed
>capacities of airports, rail lines, highways etc. must be part of any
>economic equation. In Moscow, our goals or expectations can be severely
>impacted by State of Idaho plans for Hwys 8 and 95. The EDC should help
>insure that good and timely methods of information transfer are available
>concerning transportation issues.
>QUESTION #4: Answers to the myriad development questions (when? who? how
>much? where?) will expose the core of small city government intents and
>processes. Often, this is where the lines are drawn, the stage is set, the
>mold is cast. Governments tend to adopt one of three stances on development
>      The prevalent stance incorporates the unconscious assumption that
>development generally produces the greatest good for the greatest number.
>Those in decision-making positions will accept most proposals for
>development unless it is shown without doubt that enough harm or disservice
>will arise to undermine the "greatest good" supposition. The primary burden
>to demonstrate potential harm is left to the affected citizenry.
>      Government can also assume the contrary position where development is
>seen as a Trojan horse. The benefits to local long-range economics, the
>affects on the environment and potential changes to valued social
>indicators are three prominent areas of concern. In this case, the burden
>of demonstration shifts the other way. Furthermore, in this paradigm there
>are two delineations of government - the split occurs in how the government
>handles the burden of demonstration it has placed on the developer. The
>more stringent case requires that the proposed development be shown to
>enhance the three areas of concern or at the very least, to have no adverse
>affects. In the second case, the proposal may admit specific detriments to
>the three areas of concern but may be allowed anyway if it includes
>adequate plans for mitigating or offsetting those negative impacts.
>       A weak and frustrating stance, yet frequently occurring, is a
>government that jumps between the first two models. This can even be done
>intentionally with a resultant claim of neutrality. This will happen
>because our methods of governing often involve making decisions after
>seeking input only from what is perceived to be the most affected parties.
>These "parties" can change from time to time based on political
>correctness, the squeakiest wheel doctrine, campaign and election alliances
>or even mere happenstance.
>      I believe a fourth method is possible and usually preferable. It is
>probably the most difficult to achieve. It is based on a conscientious and
>fastidious neutrality. Each proposal is viewed through a variety of lenses
>(environment, need, traffic, infrastructure, tax, et cetera). The factors
>that determine the level of scrutiny associated with each "lens" may change
>over time but the overall intent would be to avoid missing "something".
>The biggest burden here is on the various agencies, committees and boards
>to develop and implement a system that involves proactive citizen and
>developer input.
>       This discussion leads into what I feel is the "one great question" 
>representational governing. In any governmental decision-making scenario is
>it more correct to weigh primarily the interests of (and seek input from)
>the smaller group of most directly affected constituents or is it better to
>give more weight to the combined interests of a larger group of
>peripherally affected constituents?
>      I believe it is the job of an elected official to represent everyone.
>I can more easily accept decisions that are shown to satisfy the indirect
>interests of a demonstrably larger constituent base.
>      As for the 51 acre development, I think there are some lenses under
>which it wasn't carefully scrutinized. The "need" question quickly arises
>but one part could be addressed with phased implementation. It is doubtful
>that the cost/benefit equation, especially with consideration of
>infrastructure, will achieve a timely balance. Both "need" and
>"cost/benefit" analyses might suffer additional failure when scrutinized in
>conjunction with one of the primary lenses I like to use when looking at
>local residential development. What is the view through that lens?
>      Plans to increase enrollments at UI and WSU coupled with "golden
>handshake" cost saving measures means there will be a lot of new hiring.
>Attempts to attract business relocations and to assist startup endeavors
>also point to new jobs in the area. A primary incentive for "golden
>handshakes", business relocations and startups is the relatively
>lowstarting salary ($22K to $30K annually) that can be paid for competent
>professional workers. Standard mortgage calculations indicate that a
>household with $35K after-tax income will qualify for a $900 per month PITI
>payment (Principal, Interest, Tax, Insurance). Assuming a thirty year loan
>at 8.25% interest and provided there is a sufficient down payment, this
>household could purchase a home costing about $110K. It is unlikely that
>the proposed new lots will be priced cheap enough that new single family
>homes can be offered at this price. Thus this development proposal doesn't
>mesh well with local economic trends or needs.
>QUESTION #5: In response to what I enjoy about Moscow I offer some famous
>Moscow dichotomies.
>1)  It is a family-friendly place but could offer more activities and
>venues for parents with young children during the occasional appearance of
>wet and/or cold weather.
>2)  The presence of UI and WSU brings many cultural, sporting and
>entertainment events that belie the population base, but student spending
>habits favor quick, cheap and fast remedies to immediate needs which
>disappear altogether during university downtimes.
>3)  The diminishing of extractive industries, the decreasing viability of
>historic agricultural economics, the short term unpredictability of
>university enrollment and the relative isolation from essential
>transportation networks prevents boom and bust growth cycles, helps insure
>good air and water quality, maintains the rural setting and creates a
>pleasing mosaic of developed and undeveloped properties.
>4)  The lack of anonymity that helps keep Moscow crime free and insures
>that one has plenty of recognizable people to greet on a stroll through
>town also makes it difficult to govern without apparent conflicts of
>interest or to keep most any sort of business from generating some truly
>preposterous rumors.
>5)  There is a daily local newspaper that reports on local events which
>after careful inspection and the passage of time don't seem particularly
>6)  A plethora of pedestrian crosswalks combined with a handful of local
>drivers who are either oblivious to or resentful of them insures that
>street crossing maneuvers retain their aerobic content.
>7)  There are tremendous opportunities for global networking and motel-free
>cross-country travel based on the number of intelligent, caring people
>available at any time for immediate friendship but who, after a few years
>of not achieving tenure, or tiring of paying high rent for a run down
>mobile home, or finding a job in their field, will finally move away.
>8)  Daytime temperatures can change by 40 degrees or more anytime during
>the year which can dictate frequent wardrobe adjustments and ultimately
>create rather mind boggling fashion shows along any pedestrian 
>9)  I'm hoping there is at least one more dichotomy that says occasional
>irreverence won't get you blacklisted.
>QUESTION #6: Information about the aquifer is incomplete but it is never
>too early to practice and promote the maintenance of clean air, the
>conservation of drinkable water and retention of arable land. It is because
>we can still take drinking, breathing and eating for granted that we
>shouldn't do so.
>My name is Mike Thomason and I'm one of 8 candidates seeking your support
>for one of 3 Moscow City Council positions.  I have lived and worked in the
>region for most of my 46 years.  I am married to Tina and we have 2
>daughters, a son-in-law and one granddaughter.  I first noticed Moscow when
>I was a teenager, and I thought at the time that I would like to live in
>the community if the chance ever arose. I recognized the "quality of life"
>even then.  The opportunity finally came in 1986 when the local Washington
>Water Power manager retired, and I was selected to fill the position.
>I have worked in the utility field for over 20 years, and have direct
>experience with utility installation, customer service, office management,
>budgeting, field engineering, billing, public relations, community
>development and economic development. I think most of my job experience is
>largely transferrable to city government.
>Since moving here, I have been involved at one time or another with the
>Moscow Chamber of Commerce, Rendezvous in Moscow, the Moscow Downtown
>Association, the Moscow Latah County Economic Development Council, the
>Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival, and the Palouse Economic Forum.  My job and
>my involvement with these organizations have allowed me the opportunity to
>get to know many of Moscow's citizens, as well as people in the surrounding
>communities of the Palouse.
>1)  The idea of selling services to either a government or private interest
>across state lines raises all sorts of red flags.  For instance, I'm not
>sure of the legalities of selling water across state lines.  Would we be
>able to pick and choose our customers or would we fall under the auspices
>of the utility commission and thereby lose some control of our resource?
>Does it make sense to sell necessary services to a "big box" retail
>developer in the corridor, if that retailer forces a local tax-paying
>company out of business?  I think not.  Bottom line, I would be cautious
>about moving in this direction, but I will stop short of saying that I
>would never deliver services across state lines.  If a clean, high tech,
>quality employer were interested in the corridor but needed some of our
>services...I would consider providing them on a non-subsidized or profit
>basis providing the arrangement met legal requirements.
>2)  Several years ago, I was involved in the Main Street program in
>Pullman, and also with the Moscow Downtown Association.  While both
>organizations struggled at times, they did have a positive influence on the
>respective downtowns by creating events that drew people downtown, through
>beautification projects and by creating joint marketing opportunities.  I
>think those opportunities still exist.  The most interesting downtowns that
>I visit include a variety of restaurants and small specialty shops, which
>are mingled with service providers (legal, medical, financial, etc.)
>3)  The Moscow Latah County Economic Development Council is a good example
>of cooperation between the U of I, the City of Moscow, Latah County and
>several other private businesses and individuals that choose to fund the
>organization.  There are several interesting things happening in economic
>development circles in our area, including: the creation of a Rural
>Development Coordinator at the county level and the expansion of the U of
>I's incubator system.  I think these changes give the MLCEDC the
>opportunity to redefine its mission based on the needs of its
>constituencies.  The first specific action I would support is the
>development and refinement of an operating agreement between the
>above-mentioned entities.  It's important that we focus on what we can do
>well.  Secondly, I think the Council needs to continue with its workforce
>development initiative.  The MLCEDC has been the catalyst of discussions
>between local businesses and education professionals.  Finally, I think it
>is most important for the EDC to play a role in diversifying our economy
>and creating quality job opportunities for our citizens.  I think the
>university-incubator-technology park model is a good one.
>4)  I would strongly consider the advice of the Planning and Zoning
>Commission.  I would also consider the needs of the community, the impact
>the development would have on traffic, water and sewer infrastructure, and
>how it fit with surrounding neighborhoods.  I'm not against development, in
>fact, I think it's healthy for a community to grow to some degree.  It's
>very important to plan well and scrutinize development on the front end,
>because it's too expensive or sometimes impossible to fix mistakes.
>5)  Ask 50 people to define "quality of life" and you might get 50
>different answers.  I mentioned in my bio that I appreciated the quality of
>life in Moscow as a teenager. I still enjoy the appearance of the
>community, its trees, its parks and the U of I campus.  I enjoy its
>proximity to the rural areas around us. I enjoy the parades, plays,
>concerts, exhibits and sporting events that entertain us almost any time of
>year.  I rest better knowing that my children are safe on the streets and
>that we have some of the best medical, police and fire services anywhere in
>the region.  I enjoy the vast and diverse educational opportunities
>afforded my children, and the recreational activities that keep them busy
>and in good condition.  Most of all, I enjoy the friendliness of the people
>I know and work with in the community.  I think all these things make our
>community a great place to live and we should all support them through
>donations of our money and more importantly our time. I think city
>government can play a role in some, but obviously not all these things.  We
>need to continue our support for police and fire services.  We should
>continue to explore opportunities to partner on the development of
>recreational facilities.  I think it would also be worth our time to
>investigate the creation of a local community foundation, or work with the
>Idaho Community Foundation to create an advised endowment fund specifically
>to fund local projects.  We also need to be aware that not all these things
>can be funded through more taxes or higher service charges, because is
>greatly affects the "quality of life" for some of our neighbors that are on
>a budget.
>6)  It's my understanding that we currently get our water from 2 separate
>aquifers: the Wanapum Aquifer, which is fairly shallow and the Grande Ronde
>Aquifer which is much deeper.  While there is a recharge issue related to
>the deeper aquifer, I'm told that the Wanapum recharges quite well.  Since
>the majority of our water comes from the deeper aquifer, and since it
>recharges slowly, it is important that we be cautious about added use of
>that source.  We should continue to explore opportunities to utilize
>reclaimed water for irrigation, and possibly study the opportunity to use
>the Wanapum aquifer for industrial and irrigation use.  I recently read a
>report from the water department that indicated that the flow meters on
>wells 2 and 8 were inaccurately over-metering pumpage.  The actual use from
>those wells is reported to have been 44.2 million gallons less than
>previously thought.
>My name is Travis Tonn and I was born and raised in Moscow.  My grandfather
>on my mother's side, Goldie Hylton, was a rancher and owned all of the land
>from East City Park to Mountain View Road, and from the Troy Highway to the
>junior high.  He was forced to sell most of it when my grandmother became
>ill to pay for the doctor bills.  My folks still live on the acre and a
>half that is left on Mountain View Road.
>     I moved from Moscow after high school and joined the US Navy to fix 
>aircraft.  After serving in Desert Storm and seeing the world, I moved back
>to Moscow for a short time then left for Iowa to visit a Navy buddy for the
>summer.  There I met my wife, Julie, and settled down in Grinnell, a small
>college town, working as a quality assurance inspector for Maytag.  After
>about three years I was laid off and decided to finally start college.  I
>moved Julie and our two children back to Moscow and started attending the U
>of I in '97.  I am currently an environmental science major and a park
>ranger for the Army Corps of Engineers in Clarkston, WA.
>QUESTION #1:  I don't believe I could support using city funds to provide
>any type of services to businesses whose taxes would go to Whitman County
>or the state of Washington.
>QUESTION #2:  One of my strong points as a city council candidate is a
>sincere willingness and desire to listen to the concerns of Moscow
>residents and to hear their ideas for improving Moscow.  I consider myself
>an advocate of the free enterprise system and believe government can help
>most by governing least, however, if local businesses feel there is
>something that the city can do to help, I would be very receptive.
>QUESTION #3: I would like to see more high-tech, high wage and
>environmentally friendly businesses in our area.  Moscow has an incredible
>technologically adept labor pool with the University located here and I
>believe that we should do what we can to attract businesses that would best
>utilize that talent.  Also, projects such as the U of I's biodiesel
>development program have tremendous commercial value and the EDC should
>look into promoting and developing a venture based on this and other new
>and environmentally friendly technologies.
>QUESTION #4: Before approving of any more developments and annexations to
>Moscow I would have to have a detailed analysis of how much it would cost
>the city in increased services and if the additional tax revenue would
>support the increases.  I would also have to hear from residents impacted
>by the increased traffic and noise to get their input on how their
>neighborhood would be affected.  Moscow is growing and changing, but we
>need to steer that growth and development in a direction that preserves our
>small town atmosphere and the "quality of life" that attracts people here.
>QUESTION #5: I think the thing I appreciate most about Moscow is the low
>crime rate and the feeling of safety in walking about at night.  I also
>enjoy the great service and treatment of local businesses.  I know that if
>I'm not happy about a product or service, I can bring it to the attention
>of the manager and the problem will be worked out.  You just don't find
>that in many towns these days.  Also, since Moscow is my hometown, there 
>alot of great memories of this place and am thankful to my folks for
>raising me in such a great little town.
>     I think the city should continue to support its police department and
>look into more space for its cramped headquarters.  I would also like to
>work with Chief Weaver to improve retention in the department and provide
>him with the resources he needs to continue his efforts.
>    I would also like to speak with business leaders to build a consensus 
>what the city can do to make their job easier as creators of the economic
>base here in Moscow.  And I'm planning on giving my kids the precious gift
>of growing up in such a wonderful town.
>QUESTION #6:  As an environmental science major and an avid outdoorsman, I
>can appreciate the value of protecting our natural resources, and water is
>one of the most important.  Moscow is not too far over the targeted pumping
>standards and should be able to be brought into compliance with minimal
>changes.  I definitely support doing what we can to preserve our aquifers
>and think the city should gather sufficient data concerning actual aquifer
>levels.  There are many factors in environmental issues and we need to
>proceed cautiously and with a clear picture of what our situation is before
>taking any measures.
>Mike Curley is a clinical professor at the University of Idaho College of
>Law and practices law in Moscow.  He is 53 years old, holds a BA in
>economics and a JD (law) degree from the University of Missouri--Kansas
>City.  His wife, Kathy, is Director of Therapy Central at Gritman Medical
>Center and teaches yoga in Moscow.  Their two children are Tucker, 15, a
>sophomore at Moscow High School, and Tara, 13, an 8th grader at Moscow
>Junior High. Mike is a member of the City of Moscow Planning and Zoning
>Commission, a youth soccer coach, and chair of the Moscow Junior High
>School Support Team, a parent-teacher-staff-patron group. He was an officer
>in the United States Air Force.  He has practiced law for twenty-four years
>in addition to having taught at the University of Missouri--Kansas City
>School of Law and at the University of Idaho College of Law.  He is
>admitted to practice in Missouri, Idaho, and Federal courts.
>QUESTION #1: I stated my position on this issue in a post to Vision2020
>before I ever chose to apply for the Council position.  I believe Moscow
>should DISCOURAGE development at the eastern end of the Corridor by NOT
>provided the protections mentioned.  I believe that any smart business
>person will want to take advantage of the superior retail opportunities
>that the western edge of Moscow provides--the ready-made market generated
>by Palouse Empire Mall, Wal-Mart, Staples, Applebees, University Inn,
>University 4 Theaters, and, of course, the University of Idaho student
>population.  The easier (less costly) Moscow makes it for businesses to
>develop in the Corridor virtually on our doorstep, the more likely it is
>that Corridor development will occur from east to west--that is, from
>Moscow toward Pullman.  Let's let Pullman extend services (or Whitman
>County) so that businesses that consider settling near the state line will
>have to foot the bill for extension of water lines, sewers, police and fire
>I have no axe to grind with the Whitman County business community.  But I
>am seriously opposed to the Corridor becoming a North Division (Spokane)
>clone.  We in Moscow and Latah County have (and certainly had) little
>influence on how the Corridor is developed.  The issues of safety,
>esthetics, quality of life, and preservation of Moscow's own business
>community dictate that we not participate in eastern corridor development.
>Are there conditions under which I think Moscow could or should extend
>services?  Yes, but primary conditions would be (a) that Moscow and Latah
>County officials participate with Whitman County and Pullman officials to
>plan and agree on future development of housing, recreation,
>transportation, and support services in the areas near the state line, (b)
>that fair compensation is received by the City, (c) that the Corridor
>development plan be withdrawn or seriously modified, and (d) that no undue
>burden is created on the Moscow infrastructure.
>QUESTION #2: Encourage compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan in the
>areas that are adjacent to the downtown area.  The Plan states that areas
>currently zoned industrial [along A Street between Line and Almon, along
>the railroad tracks from Sixth to Logan] should be reclassified for
>commercial and high-density residential uses if they are vacated by the
>current industrial uses.  As a member of the Planning and Zoning
>Commission, I voted at our last meeting (10/13) with other members of the
>Commission to deny an application to construct a storage facility on Asbury
>Street just south of A Street because I did not find such a facility in the
>best interests of the community as a whole or that neighborhood in
>particular, as well as because it did not meet the terms of the Plan.
>	Develop a "Visitor/Tourist Information and Assistance Center" in the
>downtown area where it would be most effective.  Consideration should be
>given to the 1912 Building, City Hall, or another central location where
>parking is generally available.
>QUESTION #3: EDC has done an admirable job of developing the Alturas
>Business Park and the Business Technology Incubator.  Continuing the
>expansion of those facilities and programs is, appropriately, one of the
>goals of EDC.  Other existing task force groups for workforce development,
>arts and events, and economic diversification are indicative of the
>forward-thinking, planning, and implementation that EDC exhibits.  I
>particularly support the objectives of encouraging business development
>that is environmentally friendly, provides high average wage and low social
>infrastructure impact, and that utilize local agricultural and forest
>	Additionally, continuing to promote the arts and events that attract
>tourists, recreational uses, and programs that stimulate the economy and
>enhance our cultural quality of life will meet more than just the economic
>needs of the City.
>	I think the EDC operates on the assumption that not all projects that are
>touted in the name of "economic development" are truly beneficial to the
>City or our area.  Growth for the sake of growth is not a goal of EDC or of
>mine.   I certainly want to see EDC continue its broad-based structure of
>City of Moscow, University of Idaho, Latah County, and local business
>QUESTION#4: I was the lone member of the Planning and Zoning Commission who
>voted AGAINST the development plan.  I voted for the annexation of the
>parcel because it was completely surrounded by the city.  I thought the
>proposal strained sewer services in the area, that the cul-de-sac street
>plans diverted traffic from the development to contiguous older
>neighborhoods (much to their detriment), and that the number of residences
>was too large for the parcel.  I had additional concerns about several
>issues including intensified storm water and snow runoff on adjacent
>properties and the designation of part of the area for business
>development--the location of which effectively precluded creating a
>"through" street, thereby requiring traffic diversion into existing "quiet"
>	While I think that the area was appropriate for some residential use and,
>under appropriate conditions, partial business use, I did not think the
>development as proposed to Planning and Zoning, or as ultimately amended by
>City Council, was in the best interest of the community or the contiguous
>neighborhoods, and I would have voted against it in its final form, as did 
>Council members.
>	My considerations for such developments in the future, in addition to
>consideration of the existing zoning, compliance with the Comprehensive
>Plan, and existing City Code requirements, would be that we have more data
>on the expected impact of the development on neighboring uses; that we
>consider development plans that are alternatives to those presented by the
>owner(s) and that may be more compatible with neighboring uses; that
>streets within the development connect with existing streets as much as
>reasonably possible so that we avoid diverting traffic around the
>development and thereby unnecessarily increase the traffic on streets
>outside the development, and that more complete research be provided
>regarding sewer, water, police and fire needs generated by the development.
>QUESTION #5:	High quality educational opportunities and choices provided
>for our children: public, private, and parochial.  By collaborating and
>planning with education leaders, I believe the City can help preserve and
>promote our educational institutions.  Effectively maintaining and applying
>our zoning ordinances and comprehensive plan helps preserve our
>neighborhoods, thereby protecting our base of satisfied families availing
>themselves of our schools.
>	Fresh air, clean water, and outdoor activities are not often available in
>large cities.  While growth may be inevitable, managing how and where we
>grow can help us maintain the core of our city while remaining accessible
>to our outdoor resources.
>	Moscow is a friendly place to be.  People speak to one another, don't
>worry a lot about locking the car doors, and frequently trust the local
>businesses to make a delivery inside their front door when no one is home.
>While the city and all of us inhabitants face inevitable issues of change,
>how to maintain the beauty of what we have, and developing a plan for
>"where we are going," encouraging and creating collaborative groups to
>analyze issues from various perspectives helps us to understand one another
>and find mutually acceptable solutions.
>While working on the development of a new sign ordinance for Moscow, the
>Planning and Zoning Commission was addressed at a public hearing by
>representatives of the Moscow business community who were unhappy with some
>of the proposed terms of the ordinance.  I sat on a sub-committee of P&Z
>members who met and reasoned together with some of the business
>representatives to hear and understand their complaints and proposed
>solutions.  In the end, we were able to develop an ordinance that preserved
>the best interests of the community as a whole and avoided undue hardship
>on our businesses' resources.  Efforts to promote understanding and avoid
>an "us v. them" conditions are important to maintaining the local
>QUESTION #6: As Juliet McKenna's response to this question indicated
>(October 11, Vision2020), this is a complicated issue, the conclusions on
>which changes from time to time as new information is made available.  One
>would be hard pressed (or stupid?) to suggest that we defer attention to
>our aquifer for 5 years or longer.  It is important to the City and to our
>neighbors in Latah County and surrounding areas that we constantly monitor
>the condition, content, and quantity of our water resources.  Simply
>because we seem to have "plenty" at any given time, or that we are not
>depleting our aquifer, is not a good reason to continue wasteful practices.
>  We have an obligation not just to ourselves and our children to protect
>our water, but to all future generations--that we do nothing to endanger
>our ability to provide water to our community.  As Moscow participates in
>creation of water use goals, its City Council should do everything it can
>to encourage meeting and exceeding those goals.

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