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Subscriber Bio

I am a new subscriber to vision2020.  I have spent a little time looking at the archives and the list of subscribers provided on home page.  I have a comment and in the spirit of vision2020 will "throw it out there".
When I look at the list of subscribers, I find many people I know.  I also find many people I don't know and I find a number of e-mail addresses with no name.  It would be helpful to me as a new subscriber and certainly to any new resident of Moscow if a short biography or resume of each subscriber were available for public view.  I'm not suggesting a lengthy document just name, address, occupation, maybe education background and other pertinent things.  I'm not sure where to draw the line with this.  When I read a posting with a name I don't recognize or worse no name at all, it is harder to evaluate the comments.  Who is this person?  Certainly everyone is entitled to an opinion and has the right to express it.
I have heard about vision2020 for a number of years but never took the time to look into it.  Obviously it has served a purpose for a number of years and may be just fine the way it is.

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