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Re: Moscow/Pullman gas prices


You are correct about how we need to look at reducing our consumption of
oil.  I take it, then, your agency will be coming out as being opposed to
I695.  While it is on the Washington Ballot, it will have a tremendous
impact on the region as a whole.  Some modes of Public Transportation will
be impacted very negatively.  Pullman Transit. Whitman County COAST, even
the Wheatland Express Commuter between the two schools.   This is to say
nothing about alternative modes of transportation.  If I695 was in effect
two years ago, the Chipman Trail would not have been possible.

Hope you don't mind me venting some tonight.


----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Lamar <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 08, 1999 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: Moscow/Pullman gas prices

> I would be much more interested in having a discussion about how each of
> are reducing our consumption of gasoline.  Or better yet, what could we
> change in our community so that it would be easier to avoid driving our
> cars in the classic "one errand, one car, one occupant mode" that many of
> us get caught up in.
> If we are supposed to be "visionaries", let's envision something a bit
> creative than cheaper gas on the Palouse.  If cheap gas is truly the goal
> we are after, then let's stop driving.  They'll get the message.
> Thomas C. Lamar, Executive Director
> ===================================================================
> Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute
> P O Box 8596; 112 West 4th St; Suite #1
> Moscow ID 83843-1096
> Phone (208)882-1444; Fax (208)882-8029
> url:
> Please note our individual staff email addresses below:
> Thomas C. Lamar, Executive Director:
> Kimi Lucas, Office Manager
> Laurie Gardes, Financial Manager:
> Anita Grover, Watersheds:
> Peggy Adams, Watersheds/Food Systems:
> Ashley Martens, Environmental Education:
> Lizabeth Edlund, Environmental Education, AmeriCorps:
> Jon Barrett, Idaho Smart Growth:
> Elaine Clegg, Idaho Smart Growth:
> Celebrating thirteen years of connecting people, place and community.
> ===================================================================

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