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Council candidate questions

In order to help provide an opportunity for the candidates for Moscow City 
Council to explain their views and perspectives on growth and development 
issues, we (an ad hoc committee of Kenton Bird, Ken Medlin and myself, with 
the input of many others recruited through Vision 2020) urge all candidates 
to participate in this questionaire process.

All candidates:
Please provide our committee with a biography (no more than 250 words) and 
the answers to the questions below.  Please send your answers by email, by 
Monday, October 18, to this address: <>.  We will 
save all responses and display them at a website donated for that purpose by 
First Step Research.  We will also post all responses on the Vision 2020 
list.  Please include the words "candidate questionaire" on the subject 
line, then in the message include your name, the bio, and then your 
Thank you.

1. If Whitman County officials request that Moscow extend utilities and 
services across the state line to the eastern end of the Moscow-Pullman 
Corridor, under what conditions--or would you ever--support Moscow providing 
water, sewage, police, and fire protection to residences and businesses in 
the Corridor?

2. What three specific actions would you support to maintain or increase the 
economic vitality of downtown Moscow?

3. Moscow is a member and funder of the regional Economic Development 
Council (EDC).  What specific goals should the EDC pursue in the next five 

4. Earlier this year the Moscow City Council narrowly approved the 
annexation of 51 acres north of Morton Street for residential and commercial 
development.  If a similar proposal were to come before the council during 
your term, what information would you require and what conditions would you 
place on the development before your vote?

5. What aspects of Moscow's quality of life do you most enjoy?  How would 
you enhance and protect those qualities?

6. Do you think that the depletion of our aquifer is a problem that needs to 
be addressed now--or can we wait 5 or 10 years to confront it?  Moscow 
violates the Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee management plan by excessive 
water usage.  Is it important that Moscow be brought into compliance with 
those water use goals?

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