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Re: Moscownians?

Near Troy, on Mica Mountain is an old mica mine (mica was used as substitute 
for glass and then in early electrical equipment).  The mica there is known 
as Muscovite (named for a similar deposit near Moscow, Russia).
I always thought that was cosmic enough to cause me to label Moscow 
residents as Muscovites also.  Not that the connection is clearly rational, 
but on some level made sense to me at one time....

>From: mpresn1 <>
>To: "" <>
>Subject: Moscownians?
>Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 10:32:20 -0700
>This might be a little odd, but someone just asked me what we call
>ourselves.  I know people in Spokane are Spokanites and Colfaxians are
>well, Colfaxians; but what about Moscow?  Just for laughs these are the
>suggestions from the friend that asked.  Moscovites?
>   Moscowards? Moscovians?  So now I'm incrediably curious.  Please help
>me out!

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