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Re: "to" or "from"

At 12:41 AM 10/06/1999 EDT, wrote:

>If rural, small towns are the optimum, why do so many persons live in large 
>urban cities?  Not everyone in New York, Dallas, LA or Seattle makes more 
>money than those of us in Moscow.  Could it possibly be due in part to 
>"quality of life"?  i.e. water activities, pro football, baseball and 
>basketball, cultural offerings, museums, theater, etc.?  

No, it's more likely because that's where they were born & raised.  Most
people I knew in Cleveland didn't use Lake Erie, see live pro sports, go to
the museum or symphony, etc.  Although we do have a rather mobile society,
a huge proportion of the population lives and dies within a 20-mile radius
of where they were born.  And the poorer the people, the more likely that
they will remain in the same metropolitan area throughout their lives.  A
friend of mine who came from that side of the tracks said he knew people
who joined the military because it was the only way they knew to GET OUT OF

Why does Seattle continue to grow, in spite of soaring prices?

Two words: Boeing & Microsoft.

Bob Hoffmann                         229 East C St., Suite B
Alt-Escape Adventures                Moscow, ID  83843  USA            Phone: (208) 883-0642
                                     Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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