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Re: Regional Public Transportation Advisory Committee

Unfortunately Jerry, the meeting is being held when
most working people cannot attend.  Please let us know
other ways we can share our views and questions with
the committee (e-mail and so forth).

--- Jerry <> wrote:
> The Regional Public Transportation Advisory
> Committee will be meeting in
> Moscow next week.   This is the first time this year
> that they have come to
> Moscow.  This is a good opportunity to hear about
> regional/state public
> transportation issues and have your voices heard on
> the issues.  The Agenda
> follows.
> Jerry L. Schutz
> Idaho Transportation Department
> Division of Public Transportation
> Region 2 Public Transportation Advisory Committee
> Agenda
> Oct 12, 1999
> 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
> Location: Moscow City Council Chambers
> 206 E. 3rd Street, 2nd Floor
> 1. Call to Order
> 2. Roll Call
> 3. Confirmation of Quorum
> 4. Introductions of Guests
> 5. Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting
> 6. Old Business
> 	a. FY 2000 Grant Application Status/Timeline
> 	b. Section 5309 Update
> 	c. Summary of September PTAC Meeting
> 	d. Medicaid issue Update
> 	e. Vehicle Investment Program (VIP) Update
> 7. New Business
> 	a. District Changes for Grants Managers
> 	b. Set 2000 meeting dates and locations
> 8. Public Comment
> 9. Other Business - Next Meeting Date & Location
> 10. Adjourn
> Committee Members:
> Mark Leeper, Chairman  (208)883-0523
> Loretta Halfmoon, Member (208)843-2253 extn: 2457
> Johanna McClure, Member	(208)743-6594
> Charlotte Dasenbrock, Member (208)924-5430
> Jerry L. Schutz, exoficio, PTAC Chair (208)882-1223


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