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Re: "to" or "from"

The state and federal supreme courts have pretty consistently upheld the 
right of local governments to control where, when, and how construction and 
development takes place.  Moscow has the legal juice to control (meaning 
"direct") the development of land.  The process involves the drafting of a 
Comprehensive Plan that is specific and truly comprehensive.  A lot of 
communities avoid adopting a Comprehensive Plan that's much more than a 
vague statement of goals because it's a contentious process and it's a lot 
of work.  Directing future development through the legal avenues available 
to the city takes some real vision and leadership.

>From: Nancy Holmes <>

>And Now For Something Visionary!
"As Mike Curley has pointed out, the "regulators" become part
>of the process only in the final stages when the land owners and developers
>are ready to present their proposals. They usually have the high ground by
>then - legally, procedurally and in terms of preparedness. If the citizens
>of Moscow (and vicinity) want to challenge this venerated process then they
>must present a unified front and they must be able to articulate why."

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