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Re: More Help Please

Lori, I don't particularly want to prolong this
discussion either.
 But the following quote seems to indicate a belief
that "NATIVES" of this area are somehow more prone to
be careful and caring about keeping camping areas free
from abuse, litter and etc.

That seems to me an unfair and downright untrue
characterization. I don't believe that whether a
person comes from outside this area, or is part of a
family that has been here since the original
inhabitants were put in camps to allow "development"
is a valid indicator of these attitudes at all.

I'm happy that this attitude prevails in your
particular family, but it doesn't follow that persons
with  family histories similar to your own are the
only ones who share it. 
Tim L

"as we are natives of North Idaho and
>Eastern Washington and care deeply about the land we
>are and continue to be caretakers of the land because
>as we know no-one cane own land we are mearly keepers
>of the gate.  I take great offense from your words."


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