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Re: Recycled Glass Update / Freight Costs

Companies can also argue that they have to charge more in one place
because they are unable to charge that much in another place -- because of
competition. This used to apply (or used to be said to apply) in Montana.
(Gasoline is refined in Montana, and the same gas was sold for less at the
Coast than it was in Montana, near the refinery.)

This just leads to the conclusion that Ry is correct.

Don H. Coombs

On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Ry Jones wrote:

> Ken,
> In the Bay Area gas goes from $2 a gallon in Los Altos to $1.80 in SF and 
> SJC, down to $1.70 or so in Fremont and sometimes $1.50 in Oakland. The 
> space covered is much less than 150 miles. The fuel sellers charge what the 
> fuel buyers will pay.
> Ry
> At 06:48 PM 9/30/99 , Ken Medlin wrote:
> >around 15% more??  Just looking at a simple map has to raise some hard
> >questions about such a big disparity for 150 miles -- but NO disparity
> >for NW Montana??  Of course, the state taxes vary 2-3% betw. states,
> >which will modify these figures a bit. Do you have any information on
> >these differing freight rates, if in fact they are the cause of our
> >eternally higher gasoline prices? Thanks!
> --
> "Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will
> look upon the Act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."
>    -- Gandhi

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