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Re: Recycled Glass Update / Freight Costs

In the Bay Area gas goes from $2 a gallon in Los Altos to $1.80 in SF and 
SJC, down to $1.70 or so in Fremont and sometimes $1.50 in Oakland. The 
space covered is much less than 150 miles. The fuel sellers charge what the 
fuel buyers will pay.

At 06:48 PM 9/30/99 , Ken Medlin wrote:
>around 15% more??  Just looking at a simple map has to raise some hard
>questions about such a big disparity for 150 miles -- but NO disparity
>for NW Montana??  Of course, the state taxes vary 2-3% betw. states,
>which will modify these figures a bit. Do you have any information on
>these differing freight rates, if in fact they are the cause of our
>eternally higher gasoline prices? Thanks!

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look upon the Act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."
   -- Gandhi

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