Re: City Council Filings
- To:
- Subject: Re: City Council Filings
- From: "JS M" <>
- Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 08:44:27 PDT
- Cc:
- Resent-Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 08:45:49 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"M2QmGB.A.4KE.Uy563">
- Resent-Sender:
I posted a correction. I got the two guys mixed up. Selling fuel sounds
like a business to me; I identified Mr. Busch as a businessman. Tony
Johnson, on the other hand, is an excavation contractor. During the public
debate on the Parkview Estates, we had the not-so-unique problem of one
councilman and one mayor who make thier living from development, and one
councilman who would reap the benefits of appliance installation into new
homes. The Parkview Estates was opposed by residents of four streets
adjacent to the project. At the public meeting, nearly everyone from those
streets showed up. It is an ill-advised project with very limited benefits
for the community. It was voted in by a group of guys who could stand to
make some cash from it (assuming they are no longer councilmen, that being a
conflict of interest). I'll take bets right now on how long empty lots sit
up on those hills. I say Mr. Germer won't sell a house next year, and we'll
see vacant lots into 2010.
>From: "Gary Young" <>
>To: "JS M" <>
>Subject: Re: City Council Filings
>Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 18:22:15 -0700
>JMS-- I do not know who you are but you sure do not know who Steve Busch
>is. He sells fuel. Perhaps you will consider that a conflict of interest
>too. But then maybe he did not provide the fuel for the project. Anyway,
>perhaps you should get more informed on the community if you want to talk
>about people.
>Tony Johnson is a contractor. It is not a bad idea for people to be able
>to create jobs and economic base. I get disgusted with the mentality that
>some individuals have of I have got mine but you can't have yours.
>I hope you are not one of those people.
>Gary Young
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