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Re: City Council Filings

Dear JM and Visionaries,

I may be behind the curve because I didn't pay attention to e-mail for 24
hours but here are some comments from a present member of the council (whose
term is up in 2001) about who's who and what's what.

The election for council is Tuesday, November 2, 1999. Stay tuned for
polling locations but if the past means anything, the fairgrounds will be
the major site. Sometimes the SUB is used for western Moscow precincts but I
don't remember whether we're doing this now...

This election is a very interesting one: you have the opportunity to vote
for up to three candidates from among those who are offering themselves. In
the 1980s Moscow briefly experimented with head-to-head contests and found
them singularly unsatisfactory for our community (lack of candidates, among
other things). So we returned to what has sometimes been called "the beauty
contest" but is, in my opinion, a very principled and generally
'sniper-free' election. The candidates, by and large, focus on the community
issues and a lively debate ensues, mostly about the issues facing the future
of Moscow.

Steve Busch is the only member of the council who has chosen to run again.
We on the Council will miss Tom LeClaire and Pam Palmer... they were (and
still are until January) congenial colleagues and positive people to work
with. One of the realities from being a member of the council is that it is
essential to deal with the issue at hand and when that decision is made and
final, to move on. The person who was on the opposite side last week may be
your faithful ally this week. Both Pam and Tom were able to do this with
style and grace. Pam's great contribution from my perspective has been to
remind us of the natural world on which our city is based and how we must
take better care of it for the sustainability of our future. Tom added
considerably to our ability to do our business from the perspective of
attention to procedural matters and his careful, complete reports of his
committee assignments. Would that we could all take his model to heart!

Bon Voyage, Tom and Pam.

So, for what it's worth, there are a few views from the inside. If you have
other questions, please give me a call: 882-1280. I'd be happy to discuss
things. Oops! I almost forgot. If you didn't get your petition done in time,
there is a brief window of opportunity for you to register as a write-in
candidate (and you must do that to be counted as a write-in... no more
Mickey Mouse write-ins unless the mouse shows up and registers to be a
write-in). Check with Chris Bainbridge, CIty CLerk, in the CIty Hall for
more information.

All the best to everyone...have a great weekend and visit one of the CIty of
Moscow's best projects, the Moscow Farmer's Market, this Saturday (you
already missed the last corn of the millenium but chili peppers are in great

Linda Pall
Moscow City COuncil

At 08:37 AM 9/23/99 PDT, you wrote:
>dumb question:  When's the election?  Is this during the presidential 
>primary?  Does anyone know anything about these folks?  I know Steve Busch 
>is the current councilman and I know an entire neighborhood on the north end 
>of town which will not support him.  He didn't hesitate to vote for the 
>Parkview Estates development.  As a local excavation contractor, is his vote 
>something of a conflict of interest?
>>From: Kenton Bird <>
>>Dear visionaries:
>>As of 4:30 p.m. today, six candidates had filed nominating positions for 
>>three positions on the
>>City Council.  They are, in alphabetical order:
>>Aaron Ament
>>Steve Busch
>>Jack Hill
>>Evan Holmes
>>Mike Thomason
>>Travis Tonn
>>A story in today's Daily News (page 3A, I believe) gives brief biographical 
>>sketches of the
>>first five candidates.  Mr. Tonn must have turned in his petition after the 
>>Daily News reporter
>>checked this morning.
>>The deadline for filing is 5 p.m. on Thursday (Sept. 23).  I know of at 
>>least one other
>>candidate who is circulating a petition.
>>So, unlike the council election of two years ago, there indeed will be a 
>>contested race.  I look
>>forward to a spirited discussion of the issues facing Moscow on this list 
>>and in other forums.
>> >
>> >
>> >   
>> >
>> > Subject: City Council Filings
>> > Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 13:22:07 -0700 (PDT)
>> > From: Tim Lohrmann <>
>> > To:
>> >
>> >  To whom it concerns:
>> >  What's the latest on City Council Election filings?
>> >
>> >  Is there actually going to be a contested election
>> >  this time around?
>> >
>> >  If it doesn't appear so at this time, what is the
>> >  deadline for the petitions to be turned in?
>> >
>> >  I believe we need an actual issue discussion instead
>> >  of another "1-party city" type rubber-stamp vote.
>> >
>> >  Thanks for any help!
>> >  Tim Lohrmann
>> >
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