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RE: Moscow surplus and seized weapons policy

> We can define the caliber very easily -- even a .22 is a lethal weapon,

it is also one of the most popular rounds for the Gang Bangers (and 
wanna be's) in California

> but for hunting one has to go further. It's really not a very complicated
> process if there's a will to do so. Where is there any justifiction for a
> household to harbor a machine gun, a bomb, an AK, a grenade, etc, etc. 

is there any justification for a household to own a car that can go 
120 miles an hour? to the best of my knowledge the highest speed 
limit in the country is 85 MPH.

> There's a line in there somewhere that can be drawn thru legislative and
> law enforcement agencies. They represent us, don't they? If we don't like
> how they behave, throw them out? Look at the national polls on what should
> be done with murderous weapons of destruction? That's not outlawing
> "legitimate weapons for self-defense or sporting activities."  There is,

uh, I hate to point this out again, but Canada started out with the 
same logic, and now owning a unregistered hunting rifle or shotgun 
is now a felonry. and if you look closely, they ARE attempting to 
outlaw hunting and self defence weapons, the SKS is used by 
many hunters, but it is now under attack in California as a "gang 
gun"  and the "saturday night specials" which were all a lot of low 
income people could afford are also under attack.

> after all, some reason to be exercised. If not, the we can all expect to
> be destroyed at some point when hate, envy, aggression, insanity, etc.
> takes hold of a weapon of mass destruction against us. There has got to be
> a line to prevent misuses of such armaments.

well, we have several hundred laws, they don't seem to be helping. 
I agree, something has to be done, enforcemnt of the laws on the 
books would be a start. again, the boy in Oregon was supposed to 
be in jail for being a minor in possession of a hand gun the day 
before the spring field shooting, yet he was sent home, if the law 
had been enforced, a tragedy would have been averted.

and time and again, Prohibition has shown that it only causes 
crime, during Prohibition, we saw violent crime go up, the "war on 
drugs" is having the same effect  (gangs arn't gonna be doing turf 
wars and drive byes if you could buy your pot in the corner store)

> ------------------------
> William K. Medlin
> Dev-plan associates
> 930 Kenneth Street
> Moscow ID 83843
> 208/892-0148

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