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Re: A Well Regulated militia

Which was forcibly put down by the militia that congress called up.  How
about John Brown, again put down.
My point is the militia is to protect the government, not overthrow it.  I
know my history.

Also, about your denial of a permit to carry a conceiled weapon.  From the
sounds of it, it was not so much that you are a resident alien, but that you
could not show a compelling reason to carry one.  However, if you feel that
your rights were abridged, you have legal recourse through the federal

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 20, 1999 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: A Well Regulated militia

> From: 
> To:             vision2020@moscow.clom
> Date sent:      Mon, 20 Sep 1999 12:45:49 -0700
> Subject:        Re: A Well Regulated militia
> Priority:       normal
> > Marc
> >
> > You mention that the purpose of keeping firearms is to overthrow the
> > government.  According to the consititution, the purpose to the right to
> > keep and bear arms is to maintain a well regulated militia.  The purpose
> > of a militia is to provide protection for any threat to our system of
> > government--either from within or without.   And congress does have the
> > right to pass regulations governing the militia.
> >
> > WB
> another person who is ignorant of history, and I quote
> "The Bill of Rights, as provided in the first ten amendments to the
> Constitutuion of the United States of America effective december
> 15, 1791"
> "Article II"
> "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free
> State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be
> infringed"
> by "free State" they ment the rights of the people. that is clear from
> the writings of the founding fathers, mayhaps you have never hear
> of the Second American revolution? (AKA the whisky rebelion?)
> Stan

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