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Re: Guns

> I'm sorry that this inconveniences you, but this seems acceptable
> under second amendment logic that I've been reading here. 

your sarcasam is touching. nothing intellegent to say? and loss of 
my rights is NOT an "inconvenience", just as you loosing your 
contitutional rights would not be an incovienence to you. if they can 
find a way to do it to me, how long before they do it to you? I am 
entitled to all constitutional rights and responsibilities with the 
legaly noted exceptions of holding elected office and voting in 
federal elections.

> > Firearms shall be permitted so citizens of the U.S. can  > > 
overthrow their government if they choose.

agh! someone who has never studied history!. pitty your doomed to 
repeat it and try and take us down with you. not "if they choose", 
when they find that the govt has become so unresponsive to there 
needs that it needs to be replaced. READ THE DAMN 

> > You are not a citizen of the U.S., and we'd rather not 
>  > have Aliens  overthrowing our government. 

sigh, already covered, I had to state I was not comeing here to over 
throw the govt when I applied for Legal Alien Status, that, as well 
as stateing that I am not coming to the United States to Practice 
Poligimy, nor have I ever been a member of a Comunist Party, I 
have no intention of over throwing the lawfully elected government of 
the United states, but I can read, and I have read quite a bit about 
the early history of the United States. (Paul Revier, was a thief, bet 
you didn't know that!)

> > The second amendment says nothing about sport shooting or 
> > hunting, so you can't appeal to the constitution for possession 
> > for these purposes.

again, you are showing your ignorance, there really wasn't any 
such thing as "sport shooting" per say, you used the same firearm 
for hunting, for self defence and military use. do think the state and 
county Militias showed up and issued firearms? (in some cases 
yes, after the war began for troops who had no firearms) but for the 
vast majority they showed up with what ever firearm they happened 
to own.


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