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More on MS windows date "hoax"?

Thanks, Jerry.
    You may not have "wasted other people's time."
    I sent your original post to vision2020, on to my brother in
Pennsylvania. This is the reply I received this morning.
[My note to him]
<< This might be of interest to check. It came to me over the List: >>

>That was an interesting blurb.  I checked my computer running Windows 95 and 
>found a four digit year recorded with no provisions for doing otherwise.  In 
>checking Gerry's 386/SX running Windows 3.1, we found we could change that 
>reading as suggested in the forwarded communiqué and it now shows a 4-digit 
>year reading.  Funny

    So, who knows; it may have been important. (I'm a Mac user myself and
didn't find a problem.)
        Thought you'd like to know.
        ..........Leo Ames, Moscow
>From: "Jerry" <>
>To: "Marc" <>, <>
>Subject: RE: Microsoft windows date hoax
>Date: Sat, Sep 18, 1999, 6:40 PM

>Thanks Marc....Sorry to everyone for wasting your time.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Marc []
>Sent: Saturday, September 18, 1999 2:29 PM
>Subject: Microsoft windows date hoax
>At 04:55 PM 9/17/99 -0700, you wrote:
>>Ok folks, this is no joke nor is it an Urban legend, at least I'm
>>no prone to being called a legend....
>>I recently ran a Y2K checker on my home computer.  Everything passed,
>>the Windows Control Panel.  I thought this a bit odd, but went to the
>>Microsoft Update site and found no patches for the problem.
>>So I called Tech Support, after waiting an hour on hold, listening to MS
>>Advertising. I finally talked to a CS rep., who answered my question in
>>than 30 seconds.
>If this happened, you either: had your phone call intercepted by someone
>who didn't like Microsoft and was posing as them, or you got someone who
>really should not be answering the phone for Microsoft.  I, too, have heard
>this modern myth.  I thought it was a bit strange because I figured that
>the short date was the setting for displaying the date.  Why would an
>operating system give the user a chance to change the internal storage
>format of a date on a whim?  But not knowing for certain, I called my
>Windows guru in Microsoft and posed the question to him.  He agreed with
>me.  So I haven't worried about it.  But after reading your post, I decided
>to invest 5 minutes of searching and look at the official Microsoft
>postings on the subject.  It is here:

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