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Re: Moscow surplus and seized weapons policy

> At 08:27 AM 9/18/99 , Wayne H Beebe wrote:

> >Fact is, while the MPD may have a reputable dealer, after he/she sells
> >them there is no control over them.  There is antidotal evidence that
> >guns siezed by the police find themselves again ending up in wrong
> >hands.

gee! thats great, too bad there is solid evidence that most guns 
siezed by police end up in the hands of law abiding citizens.
there is also solid studies that show that states with concieled 
carry laws have less violent crime.

> Anecdotal evidence suggests anything you like. The UCR from the FBI
> doesn't seem to mention a huge swell in ex-police weapons ending up in
> the wrong hands.
> >With the advent of taking gun manufacturers and suppliers to court for
> >liablility to supplying guns, I am suprised the MPD did not take that
> >into consideration.
> These suits will end up in the dust bin of history, where they belong.

I hope they will, I hope they take brewery's and distilleries and car
makers into consideration at the same time, since they kill FAR 
people than firearms do.

> >Once again this past week our nation has witnessed another terrible
> >shooting in what would be considered a safe sanctuary in many parts of
> >the world.  We need to do everything we can to bring this in control.
> >The destruction of these arms, though a small drop, is a start.
> So if churches are "sanctuaries" in other parts of the world, why were
> so many Rwandans who ran to chuches killed there? With machetes? Hmmm?
> Should we ban machetes? Almost all of the deaths in the Rwandan genocide
> campaign came from machetes

well,  lets take away his guns (which he wasn't very good with 
obviously) and let him use a bomb instead (ever seen the effect of a stick
of dynamite duct taped to a propane tank?), gun control doesn't work,
Canada has had VERY strict gun control, since 1979 (you even have to
submit medical records, and everything else that is in all the gun control
legislation that know nothings try to pass) yet armed home invasion are up
300% in the last 3 years,  Doctors are getting shot at with full auto
weapons that are totally banned, and even police association are
considering withdrawing there support for the latest round of draconian
gun laws in Canada.


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