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Community Center

Dear l9l2 Supporters:  Unique projects like the l9l2 HS building 
conversion are the ones which create cohesion, solidarity, love and pride 
in a community. This is an historic moment in the city and its people who 
choose to live here rather than somewhere else. It's a great moment for 
all the children who will be enriched by the science museum, and to 
seniors  and art enthusiats who will see greater opportunity for 
self-fulfillment. Let's remember that it's IDEAS and CARING that make up 
the values we depend on, not the accumulation of material wealth or 
display of fashionable life-styles or even tax-saving measures which may 
allocate monies to more selfish pursuits.  Values such as this one 
transcend the moment and the occasion for bickering over sources of 
revenue. Good values and ideas will always attract more support, which 
may not now be visible. Probably we could benefit from a citizen campaign 
for more voluntary contributions, grant-writing efforts, and in-kind 
assistance.  To close the door at this juncture because of a 15-20% 
shortfall in the accounting process would be folly and needless 
abandonment of a wonderful forward step for Moscow and all its 
constituents. It's a moment to be brave and to believe in the grand 
future of our community. City Council and Community Development, do not 
let us down now!     W. Ken Medlin

William K. Medlin
Dev-plan associates
930 Kenneth Street
Moscow ID 83843

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