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1912 MHS

Dear Visionaries,

Thanks for the messages from many of you and your friends in support of the
1912 MHS community cultural center project. The thoughtfulness and concern
that you have expressed will help the Council say "yes" Tuesday nigh (I trust!).

I thought I'd put one additional little bit of history in the mix because I
know many of you are recent Moscow adoptees.

Back in the late 1970s and in 1980 when the future of the Old POst Office
(now City Hall) was in a similar decision dilemma, the City COuncil (I was a
member then too) authorized a bond levy of a little over a million dollars
(if I remember correctly about the amount) to rehab the Old Post Office
exclusively as a community center...all three floors plus the basement. The
bond issue had broad support then because we really needed a community
center. Unfortunately, with the two thirds majority required we fell 200
votes shy out of a substantial election (64% instead of 67% I think). It was
a great disappointment on the one hand but a wonderful statement by a
substantial portion of the community that at that time (1) we needed a
community center and (2) we were willing to tax ourselves to make it happen.

We ended up taking other city revenues, donations and monies from grants to
produce the community meeting room and kitchen we currently have now in the
former Old POst Office, now City Hall. Later, over a decade with bits and
pieces we were able to squeeze the city budget and grants to finally inhabit
the three upper floors of the building. No community center though...sadly.

Now we have in front of us a truly unique opportunity. We need a community
center still. Twenty years has not found an alternative for this! However,
the mention of tax money for construction of such a project is now highly
unpopular among some groups.

Thanks to the generosity of hundreds of citizens, we have been able to
purchase the 1912 MHS for $150,000. Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous
donor, we have a million dollars in the bank and another million dollars of
match to seek additional grants. To do the entire project, including site
work and a plaza not included in the original estimates of our 1996 study,
our community generosity from bake sales, pledges and other civic fund
raising should make up another $900,000. All of this is without a single
general fund tax dollar, something I find wonderful and without parallel...
after all we're funding the swimming pool with nearly three million dollars
of tax money (and for those of you who are still concerned about all-weather
options, the design is compatible with eventual covering of the pool!).

The maintenance and operations of the facility once it is complete will be
from a combination of sources, including city funds because the city will be
using the building for its activities in parks and recreation, community
programs and the arts commission. The cost of this is a very small
proportion of our overall city budget and part will be offset with rental
revenue. It is important that we keep the access to the center affordable
for community members and groups. 

This is part of why we are all here. We love Moscow because we have places
like Friendship Square, the Saturday Market, the community room at CIty Hall
and other places where we can come together and nurture our friendships and
the future. 

Please make your opinion known by e-mailing or by
calling 883-7006 by Tuesday and by coming to watch the COuncil deliberate
Tuesday night. It will be an important juncture for the future of our community.

All the best,
Linda Pall
City Council 
(and proud to be associated with the Mayor and the five other civic minded
people who are willing to offer their services to the community.)

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