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OK, maybe I wasn't clear enough. I'm getting enough mail from people who 
think I'm accusing someone on the list of being the perp to realize I'm not.

1) I don't think anyone on this list did the deed to my truck.
2) I think QOL (quality of life) issues (graffiti, vandalism, etc) are 
important to the community as a whole.
3) I was really angry when I wrote the letter.
4) I mailed it to V2020 because V2020 seems to be the place people mail 
LTE's as well as to the dsnooze.
5) I realize now that putting "LTE" in the subject was not enough of a 
context for what I was saying.

"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will
look upon the Act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."
   -- Gandhi

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