Re: Moscow-Pullman Corridor Issues
- To:,
- Subject: Re: Moscow-Pullman Corridor Issues
- From: "bill london" <>
- Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 12:59:48 PDT
- Resent-Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 13:01:28 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"NRfr7D.A.nND.2dtz3">
- Resent-Sender:
Throughout this corridor debate, the best source of real information has
been your comments to the V2020 list.
Thank you very much for your candid appraisals of the political scene. I
found them not only accurate but enjoyable reading.
I hope you continue to send info our way.
>From: "John Murray" <>
>Subject: Moscow-Pullman Corridor Issues
>Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 10:07:58 PDT
>September 1, 1999
>TO: Vision2020
>RE: Moscow-Pullman Corridor
>On August 30, the Whitman County Commissioners adopted the Pullman-Moscow
>Enterprise Zone; a zoning change that would allow limited development
>within the corridor. The adoption of the zone changes the previous zoning
>of most of the land between the ridges of the Paradise Creek area. All
>activities currently existing within the corridor are grandfathered.
>Some topics of discussion:
>1. The Corridor Zone may be modified in the future. The Whitman County
>Planning Commission comments over the past six months reveal that the
>Commission expects future change to elements of the zone. This could
>include addition or deletion of allowable land uses within the corridor.
>This could also include changes in conditions on land use. The vote
>approving the recommendation of the zone was not unanimous. At least one,
>probably two, planning commissioners will resign within the next year. The
>local (Colfax and the unincorporated county) property owners association
>has become politically active, and these were the folks that were very
>vocal about loosening restrictions on development. At least two members of
>the property owners association own land within the corridor, and this is a
>county that doesn’t have a good track record concerning elected official’s
>conflicts of interest. In short, the current corridor zone is tenuous.
>2. The Washington DOT has released tentative design for the Highway 270
>upgrade. The media has virtually ignored this issue. The draft design for
>the highway expansion has greater impacts on both cities and the Paradise
>Creek than any concepts for development so far. Projected right-of-ways
>for the highway project will gobble up the Chipman Trail, though the trail
>will not change location, and extend up the northern hillsides. Access
>roads within the center of the corridor will be within 75 feet or so of
>parts of the trail. Any future development will likely occur along the
>proposed access roads. DOT must go through the SEPA process, and comment
>periods are expected to continue through next year.
>3. The Corridor Zone was developed and adopted without review by a
>politically active joint area task force. Yeah, organizations exist within
>both communities. Yeah, local representatives talk to each other. But,
>the Planning Commission was pretty much on its own in development and
>adoption. Until an organized group of locally involved people steps up to
>the plate and takes a few swings, development will represent individual
>concerns over community concerns.
>4. Availability of water and sewage disposal will be an important issue in
>corridor development. The Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee did not recently
>comment on the zoning change. Washington State law allows just about
>anyone to drill a well on their property and withdraw up to 5,000 gallons a
>day before having to apply for a water right. 5,000 gallons per day is a
>lot of sewage, and probably couldn’t be approved on compacted soils. That
>limits the kinds of development that could happen. Lots of options exist
>for regulation of local aquifer extraction, yet not many are discussed
>within the local public arena.
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