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Re: no personal checks, please

>From:           	Peggy Adams <>

>Let''s spend our money there and at other locally owned 
>businesses. I was happy to see that Taco Bell has been replaced 
>by Moscow Burrito in the UI SUB.  

Is it locally owned or just another front for Marriot?

> Applebees' has no investment in the community.  Any money you spend there
> goes out of the area and out of the pockets of locally owned businesses.

I am no fan of chain restaurants either and much prefer locally 
owned establishments for a variety of reasons.  But to state that 
"any money" spent there leaves the area overstates the case.  
Applebees has employees who spend their wages in the area, and 
I imagine the investment portfolios, pension plans, and IRAs of 
many local investors include Applebee's International stock.  This 
nonemployment income potentially is spent in the community.  

I do find the location of the new restaurant to be troublesome.  
Exactly which neighborhood is Applebee's "Neighborhood Grill and 
Bar" in? I suppose we have more such location decisions ahead of 
us now that the corridor is open for business.  Perhaps Applebee's 
with it's decor of local scenes and memorabilia will become a 
museum to remind us of what it was like.  

Philip Cook

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