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Re: Lewiston Tribune

Don't have to dig thru archives reviewing ancient post was
about current events that happened night before last....YOU PAY
ATTENTION....if you have a problem with this, contact Marianne Mishima at
channel 4 news or call the Lewiston Morning Tribune at (208) 743-9411.
>At 11:04 PM 8/26/99 -0700, you wrote:
>>>This morning's Lewiston Tribune is running a story in the Northwest section
>>>with the title, "Coyotes are dining on cats in Moscow" with the subtitle -
>>>"Police say predators, not vandals, have been killing domestic felines".  >
>>Above is a portion of an e-mail I received yesterday...I read it after I saw
>>the 11:00 (p.m.) news on channel 4 out of Spokane. Both the newspaper and
>>the TV station made it sound like "case closed."  
>>Sorry you think I was "trashing the cops" and that I didn't "check the
>>facts".......You seem to be much better informed than any of the local news
>>media we rely on for what's going on.....where do you get your "facts"...?   
>This topic has been extensively discussed on Vision 2020, and had you been
>paying attention, you would know the various sources where the "facts" came
>from.  To review our discussion on the matter, simply go to the Vision 2020
>Bob Hoffmann                         229 East C St., Suite B
>Alt-Escape Adventures                Moscow, ID  83843  USA
>            Phone: (208) 883-0642
>                                     Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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