Re: Asset Forfeiture, gun control
At 10:56 AM 8/6/99 , wrote:
> > I've heard reported that in many jurisdictions, carrying an excessive
> > amount of money almost automatically results in forfeiture. Ever buy a
>well, I do know that banks have to report any "anomolies" in withdrawl/deposit
>patters to the FBI, and that if your "caught" with $10,000.00 cash on your
>i is Drug money no mater what you are doing..
You ever hear of the lady in Florida who took $30k to the lumberyard? why
would she do this, you ask? Her house was just torn to crap in a hurricane.
A cop stopped her and took her money. The city eventually tried to settle a
lawsuit for like $10k. There are cases of people being killed by police who
want the car they are driving or the house they are living in. People
driving sports cars have had them seized. Asset forfeiture is driving a
huge wedge between the police and the rest of us. You know, maybe if we
just paid some more TAXES and hired and trained cops and PAID THEM A LIVING
WAGE they wouldn't have to go out and, uh, appropriate your hard earned
property. But no. Taxes are evil!
> > (By the way, I'm of the opinion that the "War On Drugs" is rather
> > worthless as a solution.)
>well, banning booze gave us the Mob and the first set of gun
>control laws in this country since the revolution, but politicians
No, this is simply not true. Gun control laws for the most part started
after the civil war to disarm black people. The Florida supreme court set a
white person free who had been prosecuted for concealed carry, saying that
the law was written for black people. I have about a billion more cites for
this... gun control laws are meant to disarm the poor and the minorities.
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will
look upon the Act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."
-- Gandhi
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