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grant money for sustainable development

4.	Environmental Protection Agency; Sustainable Development Challenge Grant 
Program; Solicitation of Proposals for FY 1999/2000.  7-1-99; pps. 
 35650-35656.  Closing date is September 29, 1999.  Contact is the EPA 
regional offices or Dr. Lynn Desautels at 202/260-6812.
Approximately $9.4 million will be available to leverage private and other 
public sector investment in communities (ranging in size from neighborhoods 
to cities to large geographic areas such as watersheds or metropolitan 
areas).  They should build partnerships that will increase the capacity of 
communities to ensure long term environmental protection through the 
application of sustainable development strategies.  EPA intends these 
competitive grants to be catalysts that challenge communities to invest in 
a more sustainable future.
Steve Cooke

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