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FW: High Crimes Are Misdemeanors/Information

From: "T&E" <>
To: Marc <>
Subject: Re: High Crimes Are Misdemeanors/Information
Date: Wed, Jul 28, 1999, 9:44 PM

Not to be repeating what others have said but, these type of crimes have
been found to lead to human serial killing. If you let a person go free for
"just" killing a bunch of  animals then you are telling them that they can
get away with murdering humans too. For we are all just animals too. 

>[putting on my flame-proof suit]
>Bottom line:  It's just an animal.  [closing the door to the bomb shelter]
>I know I am a neanderthal in my thinking and not politically and culturally
>enlightened yet, but it's not like there are human bodies being staked out
>on peoples' lawns.  Humans and animals are not equal.  
>I am not saying that what is being done is right.  Or should even be
>tolerated.  I am a omnivore.  I hunt.  I kill.  I eat meat.  Killing in
>itself is not bad.  Mutilating and/or torturing is bad.  This person or
>persons need some serious counciling.  Even some punishment.  But 10 years
>in prison, the loss of the rights to vote, the reduced chance of being
>gainfully employed in the future--these are not what this person needs.
>(Help me! Now I sound like a person politically opposed to me!)  
>Still in the '70s.

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