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Re: High Crimes Are Misdemeanors/Information

At 05:06 PM 7/27/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Do you really think killing a cat should be a strike? What if you, GM, one 
>day run one over? Are you willing to take one strike for a cat?
>Truly these are sick people, and the crime is pathetic. But perhaps making 
>it a felony is a little too much? I just can't see cat killing on the same 
>plane as murder when McDonalds sells neatly packaged cows on 3rd street.

[putting on my flame-proof suit]

Bottom line:  It's just an animal.  [closing the door to the bomb shelter]

I know I am a neanderthal in my thinking and not politically and culturally
enlightened yet, but it's not like there are human bodies being staked out
on peoples' lawns.  Humans and animals are not equal.  

I am not saying that what is being done is right.  Or should even be
tolerated.  I am a omnivore.  I hunt.  I kill.  I eat meat.  Killing in
itself is not bad.  Mutilating and/or torturing is bad.  This person or
persons need some serious counciling.  Even some punishment.  But 10 years
in prison, the loss of the rights to vote, the reduced chance of being
gainfully employed in the future--these are not what this person needs.
(Help me! Now I sound like a person politically opposed to me!)  

Still in the '70s.

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