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So, it sounds like everyone who has to date posted a message about the 
"fliers seen downtown recently" agrees that we are opposed to the messages of 
the Neo-Nazis.  Can we then, join hands in a demonstration of peaceful 
opposition to messages of hatred and bigotry--and while we are doing so talk to 
one another not about what label to attach to each of us, but about what each 
of us knows, understands, or finds important about specific issues?  If we 
allow the neo-Nazis to divide us into backbiting discourses staking out 
individual positions and labels, I fear we dilute or negate our message of 
unequivocal disgust with their goals and statements.

I regret that a prior commitment keeps me from participating Saturday, but I 
support and applaud those who carry the torch for all of us.

Mike Curley

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