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P&Z Commission, City of Moscow

For those interested, here is an unofficial summary of the 6/23/99 meeting of 
the Moscow Planning and Zoning Commission.  A request was heard for a special 
use permit to establish a temporary (18-24 months) helipad on the south 75' of 
Blaine Street for emergency medical services.  After a public hearing and 
discussion among Commission members, the Commission approved the helipad for a 
period of 9 months--until 3/31/00--on condition that the preferred approach and 
departure sector be from 080 to 210 degrees, that concrete barriers be 
installed, and that signage and reflective painting be included on the site.  
An alternative site was necessitated because the U of I is withdrawing the 
helicopter landing site it has provided at the University because the site is 
being developed for new buildings.  Services are being terminated as of July 1, 
1999.  Some Commission members felt that the Blaine St. site was less than 
ideal, and were concerned that installation of a permanent site was proposed by 
the applicants to come from Gritman Medical Center because there was no 
existing commitment from Gritman (written or otherwise) to provide such a site 
at any specific date in the future.  The Commission granted a special use 
permit for a substantially shorter period than the applicant requested, some 
members suggesting that they would expect a more appropriate site for a 
permanent pad to be suggested before expiration of the special use permit.

The sign ordinance subcommittee submitted proposed revisions to the draft 
ordinance and discussed the reasons for the amendments.  Written suggestions 
were received by the Commission from a group of local business owners.  There 
was a consensus that a few additional revisions should be made (that did not 
change the substance of the ordinance), that some unclear points in the 
business owners' materials be investigated further, and that the newly revised 
draft be submitted to the Commission for consideration at its July 14 meeting 
with an expectation of setting a public hearing thereafter.  [In the interim, 
public comments and questions continue to be welcomed by the Commission or the 
subcommittee members].
Mike Curley

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