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Parkview Estates

The City Council votes tonight on the plan for the new "Parkview Estates"

This is the proposed new 51 acre development just off North Main. As
Melissa Rockwood put it in her letter to the editor-

"Coming Soon to a Wheatfield Near You";

Huge earthmoving project to flatten out the hilly site.

202 new households, including 80 apartments.

A Motor Business Zone on North Main scaled to fit a Walmart size Super-store.

And.... The Big Hairy Shaft for residents of North Jefferson, who are
slated to get all the new North-South traffic. AND maybe get the privelege
of paying to do so.

This isn't the Moscow I want to see, how about you?

Come to the City Council Meeting tonight at 7:30, second floor City Hall.

Thank you,

John Larkin

John Larkin IDSA
Machine Language
617 N. Jefferson
Moscow Idaho 83843

208 883-0100
fax 882-0220 

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