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Re: PC Week Alert: Malicious worm hits e-mail systems

People interested in more info about the new virus can refer to many
articles at the below link:

At 01:03 PM 6/11/99 -0400, you wrote:
>**** PC Week Online Special Alert ****
>Visit PC Week Online at
>for up-to-the-minute IT news.
>The computing world is under attack by a new virus that
>combines the reproductive capabilities of the Melissa virus
>with the destructive fury of Chernobyl.
>If you use e-mail, you need to read this Special Report.
>Get the latest news and analysis, including
>-- descriptions of the worm, and what it does
>-- how it spreads
>-- is it  a "worm" or a "virus"?
>-- what's being done to block its advance.

Bob Hoffmann                         229 East C St., Suite B
Alt-Escape Adventures                Moscow, ID  83843  USA            Phone: (208) 883-0642
                                     Fax: 1-800-683-3799

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