moscow public works committee agenda 5-17-99
- To: "\"Larry Hodge (E-mail)\" <Larry Hodge" <>, "\"Lori Courtright (E-mail)\" <Lori Courtright" <>, "\"Roger Blanchard (E-mail)\" <Roger Blanchard" <>, "\"Vision 2020 (E-mail)\" <Vision 2020" <>, "\"Gary Riedner (E-mail)\" <Gary Riedner" <>, "Linda Pall (E-mail)" <>
- To: "\"Marshall Comstock (E-mail)\" <Marshall Comstock" <>, "\"Pam Palmer (E-mail)\" <Pam Palmer" <>, "\"Peg Hamlett (E-mail)\" <Peg Hamlett" <>, "Steve Busch (E-mail)" <>, "Tom LeClaire (E-mail)" <>, "Tony Johnson (E-mail)" <>
- Subject: moscow public works committee agenda 5-17-99
- From: Gib Myers <>
- Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 15:54:19 -0700
- Resent-Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 15:54:13 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"0qCS4C.A.iU.8lKP3">
- Resent-Sender:
Agenda for Monday, May 17, 1999 4:30 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers, 206 East Third, Second Floor
1. Approval of Minutes of May 10, 1999
2. April Accounts Payable - Jim Wallace
3. Schwam Damage Claim - Gary J. Riedner
Andrew and Marilyn Schwam are claiming that damage to an apartment building
at 211 N. Peterson was caused by negligent design and/or connections during
the "A" Street Project, Farm Road to Line Street. Staff recommends payment
of the claim.
Council Agenda Item #4
ACTION: Recommend authorizing staff to settle claim and to take additional
necessary action; or take such other action as deemed appropriate.
4. Resolution of Intent to Create L.I.D.#126 - "C" Street from Cherry to
Lieuallen - Dave Klatt
A Local Improvement District (L.I.D.) encompassing five lots has been
requested on "C" Street between Cherry Street and Lieuallen Street. Two of
the three resident property owners (66.6%) have signed and returned a
petition supporting such action. The proposed improvements of curbs,
sidewalks, base and surfacing would include improvements to the "C" and
Lieuallen intersection.
Council Agenda Item #5
ACTION: Approve the resolution of intent and set a date for a public
hearing or take such other action deemed necessary.
5. Resolution of Intent to Create L.I.D. #127 - "C" Street from Almon to
Lilly - Dave Klatt
A Local Improvement District (L.I.D.) encompassing thirteen lots has been
requested on "C" Street from 125 feet west of Lilly Street to Almon Street.
Three of the four resident property owners (75%) have signed and returned
a petition supporting such action. The Public Works/Finance Committee has
reviewed the accompanying request to waive the City standard street width
from 28 feet to 22 feet and the request to make "C" Street one-way,
eastbound, from Lilly to the alley west of Almon Street.
Council Agenda Item #6
ACTION: Approve the resolution of intent and set a date for a public
hearing; advise staff regarding street width request and one-way
designation; and/or take such other action deemed necessary.
6. Sanitary Pipe Lining Bid - Dean Weyen
Bids were open May 12, 1999 for installing a resin liner in 3,100 feet of
existing 10-inch clay sanitary sewer pipe in the vicinity of Moscow Junior
High School. The liner will seal out groundwater and stop root
penetration. Two bids were received: Western Slope Utilities of
Breckenridge, Colorado with a bid of $150,230; and Instituform Technologies
of Salem, Oregon with a bid of $154,820. The budget source for this work is
the $250,000 in Collection System Maintenance of the Water and Sewer Fund.
Reviewed by Public Works/Finance Committee May 17, 1999.
Council Agenda Item #1D
ACTION: Recommend declaring Western Slope Utilities the successful bidder
and accept their bid in the amount of $150,230; and direct staff to prepare
necessary contract documents and authorize the Mayor's signature thereon.
7. Harrison/Adams Storm Sewer Change Order No. 1 - Dean Weyen
Extra work is required to re-plumb an existing sanitary sewer service that
is at the exact grade of the new storm main where the two were to cross.
The service was lowered so that it passes beneath the new storm pipe. The
work is complete and the change of $1,510.62 is the only additional cost to
the project.
Council Agenda Item #1E
ACTION: Recommend approval of added cost of $1,510.62 and authorize staff
to proceed as necessary.
Discussion - Council Workshop for Community Services Grant
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