school budget cuts/prison expenditures
- To: <>
- Subject: school budget cuts/prison expenditures
- From: "Louise D. Barber" <>
- Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 08:35:55 -0700
- Resent-Date: Wed, 5 May 1999 08:37:47 -0700 (PDT)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"XRmUiB.A.zP.3WGM3">
- Resent-Sender:
At the school board meeting last night John Danahy led into an interesting
topic. In response to a question about how can we do something about the
state school funding problem, he said that people could begin to make it
clear to the legislature whether they would rather fund schools adequately
or prisons.
I don't know how many people in the audience realized how serious his
comment might be taken, but it's serious enough that the state League of
Women Voters is currently embarking on a study of just this subject.
Tonight at 7:00 at Mardi Baron's (925 East B, Moscow) is the local LWV's
annual meeting. Some background for the study will be presented. The
title is "Idaho Gets Tough on Crime: Who Benefits, Who Pays?"
Idaho has some (more!) very serious issues to face, but the relationship
between prisons and schools is quite real.
League would really love to see increased membership, but if you can't
join, you can participate sort of de facto, be informed, and be vocal. We
have to begin to get responsible reactions to serious issues in Boise.
Louise Barber
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