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Re: columbine h.s.


I couldn't agree more.  A lot of finger pointing going on, but we need only to
look in the mirror.  As a society, we create our own problems, and as a
society we must fix them.

Peggy Adams wrote:

> In a culture where Value=price.  Where we speak of protecting investments
> but not people. Where we choose only to intervene when our financial
> interests are at stake but not when human values are.  Where we think it's
> ok to destroy others to advance our commercial interests.  Where we
> clearly value the wealthy and barely recognize the good.  Where we give
> our highest reward, money and stuff, as well as infinate forgiveness to
> entertainers (athletes among them) who glorify violence.  Where seem to
> think poverty = immorality. Where we pay our teachers such a low wage that
> we can keep only (by and large) the least talented in the profession. Do
> we think that won't haunt us through our children?

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