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RE: columbine h.s.

I didn't listen to the news last night or this morning- has ANYTHING been
said about these boys' home lives???  Or their parents???  I don't remember
hearing anything the night/day that this all happened....

Teresa Miller- Assistant Buyer
University of Idaho
Purchasing Services
415 West 6th Street
Moscow, ID  83844-4350

Phone: 208-885-3660
Fax:  208-885-3607

-----Original Message-----
From:	Robert Moore []
Sent:	Wednesday, April 21, 1999 6:49 PM
To:	Peggy Adams; Robert Hoffmann
Subject:	Re: columbine h.s.

 Ok first we all have teased people in school and been teased right?
Second everyone has thought about killing someone at one point in time.
Third hopfully none of us did.
I think this falls back on the parents, if my father saw me putting
together a pipe bomb or amassing a great quainty of gun powder he probly
would of paddled my ass and asked questions latter.  How could a parent be
so blind (warning signs).  There is one thing for sure all the metal
detector, tranning, and crap won't amount to nothing when they wait till
schools out and do a drive by, or sit on top of a hill and pick us off one
by one like a sniper.  Nothing will bring thoese kids back or heal the
scars the ones living will have for the rest of their lives.  Its a very
sad thing that happened but it all could of been stoped if the parents
would of been more interested in what went on with their kids.

At 05:48 PM 4/21/99 -0700, Peggy Adams wrote:
>In a culture where Value=price.  Where we speak of protecting investments
>but not people. Where we choose only to intervene when our financial
>interests are at stake but not when human values are.  Where we think it's
>ok to destroy others to advance our commercial interests.  Where we
>clearly value the wealthy and barely recognize the good.  Where we give
>our highest reward, money and stuff, as well as infinate forgiveness to
>entertainers (athletes among them) who glorify violence.  Where seem to
>think poverty = immorality. Where we pay our teachers such a low wage that
>we can keep only (by and large) the least talented in the profession. Do
>we think that won't haunt us through our children?

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