Donations to "Book Sale"
- To: "Tim Hillebrand" <>, "Vision2020" <>
- Subject: Donations to "Book Sale"
- From: "Sam Scripter" <>
- Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 10:53:17 -0800
- Resent-Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 10:52:50 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"7XjcZC.A.BAH.T7mA3">
- Resent-Sender:
Tim ....
Re: Donating to the sale????
Are you willing to accept donations of audio CD's, movie
videos, PC software?
That might attract more donations and more buyers. Buyers
who are attracted
to the "non-book" items, just might buy some books, too,
whereas otherwise
they might not have showed up for the sale at all.
Of course I wouldn't intend to demean the ambience of the
look, feel and scent
of old books!!!
But green currency is green currency insofar as what the
Library can buy with it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Hillebrand <>
To: Vision2020 <>; Don Coombs
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 10:41 AM
Subject: RE: Friends of the Library declared profit seekers
by postal clerk
>The post office should have told us two years ago when we
obtained the
>permit if there was something improper. We've never had a
mailing refused
>before. And yes, we are happy to accept books from anyone.
Here is a chance
>to cull your bookshelves, to make a donation to the
library, to write it off
>your income tax, and to help the children's reading program
this summer.
>Thanks for your support.
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