BOCC Proceedings for week of March 22, 1999
- To:
- Subject: BOCC Proceedings for week of March 22, 1999
- From:
- Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 15:57:57 -0800
- Importance: Normal
- Reply-to:
- Resent-Date: Mon, 29 Mar 1999 16:03:01 -0800 (PST)
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <"5y-aa.A.hDG.4RBA3">
- Resent-Sender:
Week of March 22, 1999
Commissioners Samuel G. Duncan, Paul J. Kimmell and Loreca J. Stauber met in
regular session. The following actions were taken:
Approved, signed and filed Commissioners’ Proceedings for the Week of March
15, 1999.
Approved, signed and filed request for cancellation of taxes on parcel
number PPP 088, correlates with cancellation of PPH 214.
Approved, signed and filed request for cancellation of taxes on parcel
number PPH 214, due to double taxation.
Approved, signed and filed request for cancellation of taxes on parcel
number PPD 260, taxes assigned to wrong taxpayer.
Approved, signed and filed request for cancellation of taxes on parcel
number PPM 116, due to double taxation.
Approved, signed and filed solid waste fee adjustment for one year only on
parcel number RP 42N 05W 11 7671A, house is vacant but livable.
Approved, signed and filed solid waste fee adjustment for one year only on
parcel number MH 24CT5 0015, mobile home is non-livable.
Approved, signed and filed solid waste fee adjustment from one year only to
one year seasonal on parcel number MH 39N 05W 05 3250A, mobile home is used
as a cabin, on a seasonal basis only.
Approved, signed and filed successful completion of three-year employment
increment by Greg Abramson, Associate Planner. Table of Organization,
Planning & Building department 11, line 02. Date effective April 1, 1999.
Approved, signed and filed successful completion of six-month employment
increment by Dorothy Jennings, Special Hire - Morning. Table of
Organization, Board of County Commissioners, department 05A, line 07. Date
effective March 1, 1999.
Week of March 22, 1999
Page 2
Approved, signed and filed successful completion of two-year employment
increment by Monte B. Russel, Detention Deputy. Table of Organization,
Sheriff’s Detention, department 04E, line 07. Date effective May 1, 1999.
Approved, signed and filed transfer of Valance T. Barber to Potlatch Marshal
(Patrol Deputy). Table of Organization Sheriff’s Community Policing
Contracts, department 04G, line 01. Date effective March 21, 999.
Approved, signed and filed request to hire John Sullivan, Patrol Deputy.
Table of Organization Sheriff’s Operations, department 04B, line 10. Date
effective March 15, 1999.
Approved, signed and filed promotion of Wayne Rausch to Patrol Sergeant.
Table of Organization Sheriff’s Operations, department 04B, line 04. Date
effective March 22, 1999.
Approved, signed and filed indemnity bond for Ann Brand in the amount of
Approved, signed and filed request to surplus 1983 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera
from Assessor’s department. Valued at less than $500.
Approved, signed and filed Addendum to Amended Pullman-Moscow Regional
Airport Cooperation Agreement and Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport
Supplemental Cooperation Agreement for sharing costs of new terminal
Approved, signed and filed Resolution No. 99-02. A resolution supporting
the Latah Trail Project.
Motion and Order to authorize the Chair’s signature on the Amendment to
Equipment Lease Agreement from MITA Financial Services and the Inkwell for
MITA 2360 copier in Social Services office.
Motion and Order to approve continuing paid administrative leave as needed
to accommodate Kip Lincoln’s medical needs as a result of being struck by a
vehicle while on the job.
Motion and Order to not liberalize or expand its current insurance
eligibility criteria for dependents of county employees and that such a
broadening of this criteria could violate public policy, at least to the
extent of the expenditure of public monies. Commissioner Duncan votes no;
Commissioner Kimmell votes yes; Commissioner Stauber absent.
Week of March 22, 1999
Page 3
Convened in Executive Session at 9:03 a.m. on March 24, 1999, to discuss
records that are exempt from public inspection, indigent cases, pursuant to
Idaho Code Sec. 67-2345 (1)(d). Adjourned at 9:49 a.m. Six (6) cases
approved and two (2) cases denied.
Approved, signed and filed Latah County Sheriff’s request for two new
vehicles for community policing.
Motion and Order to approve the Chair’s signature on the contract for an
additional 150 guaranteed hours of Computer Arts service; Chairman to
initial changes as recommended by Civil Counsel contract to begin March 22,
Motion and Order to approve a memorial at Robinson Park in honor of John
Kerr consisting of a purchase of a tree.
All documents are available for inspection in the office of the
Susan Petersen
Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
by: Sandra Crooks, Deputy
Clerk of the Board of Commissioners
ATTEST: , Deputy Clerk
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