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RE: A pedestrian communication

I've lived in the same house for 4 years, and we're continually changing bulbs!  Like 4 a week!!!

Teresa Miller- Assistant Buyer
University of Idaho
Purchasing Services
415 West 6th Street
Moscow, ID  83844-4350

Phone: 208-885-3660
Fax:  208-885-3607

-----Original Message-----
From:	Don Roskovich []
Sent:	Saturday, March 13, 1999 7:43 AM
To:	Don Coombs
Subject:	Re: A pedestrian communication

>Don:  I found this to be very interesting and would like to know why it is
happening.  My mother has this problem here in Moscow.  At first I didn't
catch on because she had several people helping her change her bulbs...but
then one recent weekend I changed eight bulbs and the next weekend I found
myself changing some of them again.  I don't have this problem, but I live
across town and until now I have never heard anyone else speak of this
problem.  Hope to hear more about this subject.

                                               Ellen Roskovich

Here we have perhaps a new use of the Vision2020 list-serve -- sort of a
>Consumer Reports use. And I recognize that it is not philosophically deep.
>On the plus side, it could be seen as a break from skate parks and bikini
>A question: If you live in Moscow or around Moscow, have you had problems
>with light bulbs burning out recently? My experience is that a light bulb
>will burn out in my house every now and then, but not four in a week.
>>From my valued training in the Naval Reserve many years ago (we once put
>every television set in Denver out of action when we fired up some surplus
>gear at the Federal Center there) I know that high voltage makes light
>bulbs brighter, and if they get really bright, they then get dim forever.
>I stuck a voltmeter in an outlet and it registered between 122 and 123
>volts. It's digital, but it's never been calibrated, so I can't testify
>that it's accurate.
>But I liked the idea that Vision 2020 would allow us to find out if
>everybody in town was having the same problem. And I liked the fact that I
>could write this message and not say anything negative about our power
>monopoly, "the utility with a view."
>Don H. Coombs

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